Do you know the warning signs of your body?

If you have always listened to your body, you can confidently only look at it from the outside. After Far Eastern tradition reflected in the face, as organs and muscles? just the whole body? just feel. The "actual state", so to speak, at a glance. You have to look a bit longer, for example, on the shape of the lips, skin discoloration and possible swelling. The So-Shin method teaches you to understand the language of your body. It is based on 16 different visual diagnostic techniques of the Japanese Bo-Shin method and supplements them with elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as conventional medical and nutritional knowledge.

So-Shin serves as a kind of warning system: With some practice, you can discover an imbalance in the body early by self-diagnosis. Because from the Far Eastern point of view, the body gets sick when he is out of balance. To prevent and treat So-Shin but usually no medicine is administered, but first tried to avoid harmful. It is recommended, for example, to omit problematic foods. Embarrassing emotional influences should also be reduced or deliberately avoided.

About the attentive contemplation of the face as well as the fingernails you can recognize many signs of your immune system itself. Especially in the cool season you are thereby a cold and cold one step ahead. So look in the mirror or on your hands and see how your body feels:

The eyes

In them, in principle, all organs and bodily processes are reflected. The area around the eyes stands for kidney, bladder, spleen or pancreas.

Her reflection shows:

Soft puffiness under the eyes

What it means: So-called eye bags indicate a strain on the kidneys. It is important that you do not look in the mirror immediately after getting up, but preferably one hour after the first urine excretion. If the swelling is still visible, there is excess fluid in the body. This makes it difficult for the kidneys to do their cleaning job, which can easily lead to infections, especially in winter. By the way: Long-lasting stress can also lead to hair loss in the forehead area (receding hairline corners). How to prevent: If you are prone to water retention, it is best not to drink more than 1.5 liters per day. Energetically, these swellings mean that the body has been given too much "cold". That is, not cold in the original sense, but "cooling the body from the inside". This effect has, for example, tropical fruits. On the safe side you are with regional, so the seasons corresponding fruit and vegetables from the area. Tip: When compote or dried, fruit is the easiest to use for the kidneys, vegetables are ideally just steamed.

Her reflection shows:

Dark shadows / discoloration under the eyes

What it means: In most cases, the cause is only "energy-free" sleep and a consequent yin deficiency. Yin is important for relaxation and the energy that comes from it. However, the immune system needs restful sleep and plenty of yin, because only then can it regenerate and repair damaged cells. Important: Many color shades under the eyes are harmless. However, purple-reddish discoloration may indicate the swelling of blood vessels in the kidneys. In this case, a visit to a doctor is recommended. How to prevent: The most relaxing is the sleep in the time between 22 and 6 o'clock. Tip: Eat root and tuber vegetables (except potatoes) for dinner, if possible before 6 pm, because this enhances the recreational effect. Good for falling asleep is a foot bath followed by foot massage. Here's how it works: Put your feet in very warm water that reaches over your ankles. This stimulates the numerous meridians (channels) that run on the feet. They signal tranquility to the central nervous system, which slows down the activities of the cerebral cortex. That relaxes and makes you sleepy. Then a little foot massage: put the left foot on the right knee, toes with your left hand as far as possible to bend back. At the same time with the right hand massage the "bubbling source", an acupressure point in the depression of the sole of the sole of the foot, in small circles until it feels hot. Then repeat the same with your right foot.Also important is the position of the bed: In traditional Chinese medicine, the forces of natural energy, such as gravity, Yin. To strengthen them, it is best to head north to head north.

Her reflection shows:

Cloudy, milky to yellowish white What it means: These "streaks" in the eyes are an indication that substances that cause illness have accumulated in the body? mostly in the intestine. Often it is fat deposits, they overwhelm the digestive organs. This stresses the metabolism, because he has to spend more energy to maintain his balance. And that in turn fatigues the whole body, which reacts with drive weakness and listlessness. How to prevent: Avoid excessive consumption of dairy products, eggs and soft cheese. These foods can lead to "sticky" villi, making it difficult to absorb nutrients. Instead, grab winter vegetables such as radish, kohlrabi and cabbage, as well as cooked cereals and white tea. By the way: Sweets can be similarly problematic. Important: If the discoloration does not disappear within ten weeks of changing your diet, a urine and blood test is recommended.

Her reflection shows:

Hard swelling under the eyes

What it means: If the swelling is permanent and feels firm, it is called "hard deposits," which is primarily due to residues of hydrogenated fats from food. The normal excretory capacity of the body is reduced. How to prevent: Eat less milk protein products like milk, quark and cheese. These can lead to the formation of so-called cold mucus, which deposits in the body and then becomes visible under the eyes.

The mouth

It shows the condition of the stomach and intestines. The type of diet should even change the lip shape in the course of life.

Her reflection shows:

Very dry, partially cracked lips that are not due to cold

What it means: Most of the time there is an overloaded digestive system behind it, which has to contend with diarrhea. The reason for this is that the intestine tries to protect the body from pollutants by disposing of them more intensively. This is always associated with dehydration, resulting in chapped lips. How to prevent: Avoid foods with many preservatives. Because often the intestine is overwhelmed with the processing of too many alien substances (such as pesticide residues in vegetables or hormone traces in meat) and natural cultures (including bacteria from perishable foods). Basically, therefore: Eat mainly fruits and vegetables from controlled cultivation and meat from species-appropriate attitude. Tip: If the intestine is already in turmoil, rice pudding helps quickly and easily. Simply boil a handful of rice pudding in 2 liters of water with a pinch of sea salt and then eat. The already cracked lips are best made smooth with beeswax cream.

Her reflection shows: The lower lip is swollen or conspicuously arched outwards

What it means: After the So-Shin diagnosis, this is a first indication of a sluggish bowel that needs too much energy to sustain digestion. This energy then lacks the body elsewhere, for example, to strengthen the body's defenses. How to prevent: Keep your bowels busy. The easiest way to do this is to eat high-fiber products daily (see recipes on pages 62-70), drink enough, and exercise a lot. Only eat white flour moderately, as the gluten contained in it can lead to a sticking of the intestinal villi. They then have problems picking up nutrients. Tip: Especially "gut friendly" is to chew every bite about 30 times? this reduces bloating and heartburn.

Her reflection shows:

Persistently whitish or bluish discolored lips

What it means: If the blood circulation in the intestinal area is very weak and thus the nutrients from the food are not properly utilized, the lips often turn whitish. Bluish discoloration, on the other hand, may be an indication of a congestion in the digestive tract. This means that important organs are not adequately supplied. This increases their susceptibility to all types of infections.

How to prevent: The gut is just too heavy for the food it has to digest. He slows down, does not work so precisely and sometimes pinches here and there. Actually, only a basic dietary change can really help. At the beginning, it is recommended to refrain from pork, sugar and highly preserved products, as these foods in particular unduly burden the entire digestive system. Then it says: Slowly rantasten again. Start with small portions to determine how much of a single food is acceptable to you.That is very different from person to person.


In the current ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Balance (issue 2/2005) read even more: What your skin, your nose and fingernails reveal about your health.

Do You Know The Warning Signs of Heart Disease? (May 2024).

Warning Sign, Food, Cold, ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Balance, Swelling, Winterfest, Body, Signals, Eyes, Mouth, Winter, Cold, Diagnosis Method So-Shin, Disease, Check-up