Dinah Rodrigues on aging

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-woman.de: Dinah, you look awesome. What is your secret?

Dinah Rodrigues: Hormone-Yoga of course. It raises my hormone levels and keeps me young. And it gives me a lot of energy and an optimistic attitude towards life.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-woman.de: So you have not consulted any of the famous Brazilian cosmetic surgeons?

Dinah Rodrigues: Oh no! Personality and vitality are much more important than a tight body. It does not matter if you have wrinkles. This is completely normal.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-woman.de: What is your daily exercise program?

Dinah Rodrigues: I do hormone yoga half an hour every morning. Then I have a light breakfast, not much, some wholegrain bread, cheese, cappuccino. Otherwise I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, but not purely vegetarian. And I lead a healthy life, go hiking and swimming and do sports regularly.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-woman.de: Do you also do yoga in the evening?

Dinah Rodrigues: No, I only recommend women who can not sleep well. But I'm not stressed!

Dinah Rodrigues has found her mental balance

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-woman.de: Hard to believe in your workload, your seminars and travels ...

Dinah Rodrigues: I have found my mental balance, I am healthy and happy. And my work inspires me. I'm not tired.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-woman.de: How did you experience the menopause?

Dinah Rodrigues: I was a bit irritated at this time. Otherwise I did not have any big problems like hot flashes or sleep disturbances. But I also have a healthy lifestyle, a wonderful family and a loving husband. That helps a lot. And I've been doing traditional hatha yoga since I was in my mid-30s. That was certainly helpful as well. Even my gynecologist was amazed at my abnormally high hormone levels in menopause. But he was skeptical that this could actually be related to yoga. So I suggested that he investigate the effect. So I came up with the idea to develop a special hormone yoga program. That was the start of my project.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-woman.de: How did you find out which exercises actually have a beneficial effect on hormone levels?

Dinah Rodrigues: I started to study the physiology and hormone system and deal with many different forms of yoga. I attended seminars and congresses, talked to yoga experts and translated ancient scriptures. Finally, I selected exercises that I knew to affect the ovaries, thyroid, and pituitary gland. Then I strengthened her with strong Bhastrika breathing from Kundalini Yoga and special Tibetan energy techniques. So I created a first program that I tested with six women. The results were amazing. The initially very low hormone levels skyrocketed. And the women's complaints dropped as her hormone levels rose. The women were excited. That was the beginning. I had intuitively known how to help them. And I am grateful for this intuition every day.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-woman.de: Who do you recommend your hormone yoga?

Dinah Rodrigues: All healthy women over 35. Many have discomfort and do not know that it is due to a sinking hormone levels. Only when they have aesthetic problems, when suddenly their hair fails or their figure changes, they become attentive. Often also the libido decreases. With my exercises, however, the desire quickly increases again. We do not need herbs or medicine. And no hormone replacement therapy.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-woman.de: The exercises are very dynamic. Does this momentum apply to the women?

Dinah Rodrigues: You could say that. The women simply feel better and are therefore more active in everyday life, change things in their lives or tackle new things. Who is vital, can do everything he wants.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-woman.de: How to look at you! They have been practicing yoga for over 40 years now ...

Dinah Rodrigues: ... and for 14 years exclusively hormone-yoga.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-woman.de: What influence did that have on your personal development?

Dinah Rodrigues: I have changed. Not only did I do asanas and breathing exercises, I also studied philosophy intensively and learned a lot about people and the world. That's how I learned to love and understand. And I have learned to balance my feelings. This has an impact on the whole life. You feel what you think, and that's how you behave. You become authentic, that's wonderful. There are no lies and excuses. One is open and direct. Yoga helps us with all that.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-woman.de: So hormone yoga seems to be a good help against menopausal symptoms. What else do you advise women to do?

Dinah Rodrigues: To eat healthily, with complete food, and exercise regularly. Not going to the gym three hours a day? that's too much and tends to lower hormone levels. But twice a week an hour of exercise would be good. Not to be too slim. A few cuffs on the hips are good for hormone production. Our body is very wise. He defends himself quickly against too much stress. The ovaries do not have eggs for ovulation, but they can still release hormones. We should encourage them specifically. The climacteric is a big change in life, but not the end of everything. That women should not think? and her men too. A woman just does not menstruate anymore, what's up? What's important is that she uses her time well, starts working, studying, meditating or playing the piano again. At 50 you are still young!

Dinah Rodridues Hormon Yoga Lehrerausbildung für Andropause (May 2024).

Dinah Rodrigues, Aging, Hormone Levels, Menopause, Health, Hormones, Yoga, Dinah Rodrigues