Dating? Pink gives her 7 tips to her daughter Willow (6)

In an interview with the "Cosmopolitan" Pink betrayed the advice she gives her six-year-old daughter. They are already interested in boys. "She asked me, 'How many guys can I have at one time?'" Says Pink. "And I said, 'What?'"

Speaking to Cosmo, the singer revealed seven wisdoms that she sends along with Willow (and herself):

1. Most guys do not deserve you.

"They have to be kind and respectful, they have to be gallant, they have to be good to their mothers, they have to look good and they have to be funny."

2. Be formed.

"You just have to know exactly what you're doing, I had a boyfriend when I was younger, wanted to have sex with me, and threatened to break up with me if I did not sleep with him, and I said no."

3. Be strange.

"It's very boring to be normal."

4. There is no success without failure.

Try wisely: "I want her to try as many things as possible, and if she finds something she loves, I support her, no matter what."

5. Remember that words are powerful.

"I have a rule: we do not say nasty things and we do not say anything that we do not mean, I try to pay attention to my choice of words when she is there and remind her of it."

7. Tell the truth.

"I want her to tell the truth, and I want her to practice that with me now, so she'll be good at it later."

8. Be honest with yourself.

"I think that's one of the most helpful things in life that you should always remember."

Tips to make Willow grow into a self-confident woman. And maybe they are already coming to grips? When her mother recited her advice number 1, Willow replied, "I know a boy who falls into all of these categories?" But with Mama, she is well prepared!

Pink Opens Up About Raising Strong Kids, How Her Childhood Shaped The Way She Parents | PeopleTV (April 2024).
