Chicken nuggets in the test: Almost all chicken snacks strained!

Disgusting revelations about our favorite finger food: The magazine Öko-Test has examined chicken nuggets and thereby brought to light results that scare. Of the 14 chicken snacks tested, eight failed completely - and the top grade is a "satisfying" one!

What was tested?

Öko-Test has examined both the quality of chicken nuggets, as well as the origin: how were the processed chicken, how are the conditions on site? For this, the experts have examined both deep-frozen nuggets for the home, as well as fresh snacks from fast food restaurants. The result shocks in all respects.

What did the testers find?

First, to the contents: In the investigation of nuggets, the experts have encountered, among other things, mineral oil residues, bacteria and antibiotic-resistant germs. The verdict: Chicken Nuggets are burdened many times and are full of things that you do not want to eat!

But the emergence of nuggets runs according to eco-test catastrophic. The experts have determined that most of the animals are raised and processed in Thailand, Brazil or the Ukraine under the cheapest conditions. The sad facts: up to 20 chickens vegetate on one square meter and are pumped full of medication within two years and raised to slaughter size.

How did the fast food nuggets end?

Not only the 11 tested frozen nuggets performed poorly - the "fresh" nuggets from the fast food restaurants were also blabbed in the test. Thus, the testers in the "King Nuggets" from Burger King found ("insufficient") diarrhea-causing enterobacteria. These nuggets are also those that are considered "biggest scam": Here is the most breadcrumbs and least processed meat.

But McDonald's "Chicken McNuggets" ("insufficient") and Kentucky Fried Chicken nuggets ("deficient") have also shocked the testers. All three fast-food chains have provided no evidence on animal husbandry on demand.

Which nuggets are test winners?

The best among many bad ones was an organic producer: the "Bio Cool Chicken Nuggets" achieved the best results with the grade "satisfactory". A frightening conclusion that throws an ugly light on all chicken nuggets. The complete test results can be found in the current issue of "Öko-Test" or here on the eco-test homepage.

Burger King Chicken FRIES Vs. NUGGETS!! - Food Feeder (May 2024).

Snack, fast food