Breathing exercises for better concentration

fire breathing

Activates the "sun braid", increases the oxygen content in the blood and strengthens the diaphragm.

Sit upright, the neck is long. Exhale through the nose very quickly (for a maximum of a quarter to a half second) and inhale twice as long. When exhaling, expel the air vigorously and pull the abdomen as far as possible to the spine. The ribcage remains relaxed. Then let the stomach loose - the inhalation comes on its own. Initially 20-30 times, later increase to 100 times.

breathe scent

Improves blood circulation in the brain, refreshes and awakens.

Use your thumb and forefinger to stroke the bridge of the nose several times over the bridge of the nose. While doing so, make strong but short pressure with your fingers so that you feel the bridge of the nose. Then relax your arms and hands and let the breath come in, as if inhaling a pleasant scent. Feel the breath gently flowing in and out under the bridge of the nose. 5-10 breaths, several times daily.

finger breathing

Deepens breathing, awakens new strength.

In relaxed, upright posture, press all ten fingertips together for ten breaths. Place fingertips as wide as possible and not just press with your fingertips. The pressure should not be too strong and not too delicate. Several times a day.

Also try these concentration exercises.

Yoga For Focus & Awareness | Easy Yoga Workout | Yoga For Concentration | Natural Methods (April 2024).

Breathing exercise, concentration, breathing, fire breathing, fire breathing, concentration