Attention! These habits make you stupid

Doing several things at the same time

Write a Facebook post while the TV is on and casually scroll through the Instagram timeline? Not a good idea! Multi-tasking can do more harm to our IQ than smoking or sleeping too little, such a study of the University of London, especially with electronic media.

Doing several tasks in parallel may cause happiness, because dopamine is released in our body, but our ability to concentrate decreases significantly. In addition, the stress hormone cortisol is released? and that's unhealthy anyway.

While there are people who can handle multi-tasking better than others, we should generally do as much as possible two things at the same time.

Dimming the light

It is bad for the mood anyway, but also our memory suffers from lack of light: Researchers from Michigan have shown that brain structure changes when people spend a lot of time in rooms with poor lighting. In particular, the memory ability decreases as a result. So who wants to stay fit in the head, should make sure that just the workplace is bright and well lit? then the romantic dinner by candlelight is not a problem in between.

Series searched

That's really tough now, but there's a lot of evidence to support it: watching TV is not smart. Several studies have shown that it hurts our ability to process and classify environmental impressions. This, in turn, slows down our ability to interpret and respond, and we get used to questioning or self-explaining things.

If we can dose our series consumption but well and with a lively social life and sports balance, we can also times enjoy a cozy Netflix evening.

Working at Starbucks

Do not worry: this is not work as a barista or service force! It's about the people who prefer to write their bachelor theses or screenplays in hip cafés on their Macbook rather than in the quiet little room at home. Even if you like to be seen or drink good coffee? the distraction, for example due to the background noise, reduces the performance and capacity of the brain. In any case, experts recommend that you always carry out demanding tasks in a quiet environment.

To sleep too little

Apparently not as bad as multi-tasking, but lack of sleep not only makes you tired, but actually stupid as well. Concentration and memory are demonstrably reduced and also our creativity diminishes, if we do not sleep enough. So before bedtime we should not do anything that upsets us? For example, working or answering e-mails, because even the one hour that we can not fall asleep makes the difference in case of doubt.

Watching TV is also not recommended (at least not if we have to get up early the next morning), even though it's a festive evening ritual for many. Maybe pick up a book again or write a diary, make a knitting, knit? or or or or!

be scared

Huh? Yes, it's true: fear prevents us from doing things rationally and with a cool head. When we're constantly scared, our brains just do not work right, we're out of our minds. Although occasional excitement or something like stage fright can boost our performance, as a brief adrenaline rush stimulates us. But long-term anxiety and worry not only limit our quality of life but also our mental capacity.

This is How Smartphones are Making us Stupid | Watch This To Know (May 2024).

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