Annual Horoscope 2019 - Long Version: Leo

Lion 23.07.-23.08.

Element: Fire
Mantra: Hilarity provides daylight in the mind.

Attunement for all zodiac signs

In 2019, the epochal triple constellation of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto is slowly forming, which will usher in a completely new era in 2020. And because the changes are so significant and profound, and explicitly because the meeting takes place at the sensitive end of the Cardinal Capricorn sign, the year 2019 presents itself as a phase of inner preparation and a pleasant time of attunement. In 2019 there will be strong shaking up of existing structures and power relations, economic systems will be called into question, federations of states and alliances reorganized, contracts possibly tipped over; and: Assemblies are divided apart and then put together again.

Assistance comes from Uranus, who is now in Taurus on the road and serves a wide range and addresses issues such as security, finances, security in the existential. And in the historical view stands for exciting developments, technical innovations, scientific innovations. Also for new trade monopolies, spectacular regime change of unusual political coloring.

This has partly been reflected in 2018: change of government in Italy, termination of political contracts and agreements (especially by Trump). Beautiful Uranus in Taurus Corresponding is also the consolidation of power by off-line weddings. Then I spontaneously remember the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan, which truly represents a leap into modern, open, unbiased, inclusive thinking and acting. And could constitute a fortification of the royal house. The first paper money was also introduced in a Uranus in Taurus phase - 1690 - and now could be worked on this payment method reforming, the digital payment become the established variant.

Mundanes is automatically reflected in the personal. In the individual experience 2019 is recommended to clean up, emotionally and in concrete areas of life. To find out if and where you still agree with your own life-themes, Saturn-Pluto-Intention is willing to open up new experiences, to allow mental assent, which has been avoided with anxiety, facilitates detachment processes in areas of life where constructs and concepts are living prevented. Giving way to new impulses is the helpful inspiration of Uranus in Taurus. In particular, he also calls for refreshing relationship thinking and behavior, allowing or forcing a new relationship setting. Shadow themes in love and desire to track down, pick up and treat healing, is desired. Being free and yet connected in love, and all this with a high degree of responsibility, because Saturn and Pluto call for the latter, is a theme of the year. Love, and then do what you want, is Uranustenor but with the sub message, and what you can answer. Because whatever you design, change, or re-shape in 2019, under Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in 2020, is under critical scrutiny and in edit mode. This is also because Jupiter almost automatically demands an additional expansion, expansion of the personality and all life processes.

This is the year 2019 for the lion

Have fun

The search for the meaning of being and a possibly neglected self is relatively complete. Now, Jupiter spreads wings and blessings, and you can let the reins, boldness and entitlement vigorously shoot the reins. And to make life a bit more glamorous, especially to emphasize pleasure and amusement, is a central event and a beautiful annual flow. But that alone does not do justice to your claim to being fulfilled, which is why Uranus brings another weighting and a different dynamic into play.

Even if much seems to be relaxed, earthly and cosmic energy is extremely supportive and preferred, you should not give up the rudder completely, because you are in the spirit of departure. Maybe even very real and concrete in several life models and domiciles at the same time in action, in search of exciting challenges, which outgrow themselves, on the way. Too well-established, life in 2019 should not come along, that does not correspond to your urge for change, and it also relaxes the side in you, which is responsible for living sensation. At the same time, possibly as a result, your shadow side, which in some setup, which guarantees nice conditions, but torpedo your soul intention, in power wins.

Uranus mixes up life in exactly the same way in 2019, where you feel relatively unchallenged and positioned.What is not a problem of fate, but to prevent what could cause regret: the waste of potential, the unused opportunities. Chiron assists and reminds that worlds of adventure have not actually been visited by you without end. In particular, inspirational learning experiences about new studies, whether in humanities, ethics, philosophy, psychology, art, culture, ethical aspects of appropriate economy, waiting for you. And their repertoire can be expanded again to include more exciting chapters. Even traveling to very distant, exotic countries, in which you can search for ideas and familiarize yourself with not yet well-established, well-known ways of healing, Chiron puts to heart in 2019. And maybe you will find a new way for yourself.

New insights can become revelation, shaping a new consciousness. What can be the initial spark to open in 2019 into an almost radically new world. Unexpected encounters with people who pronounce the magic word in 2019 provide for special magic and brighten the view of a new self-realization. And maybe your attitude, which makes life meaningful, changes very suddenly and then everything, everything is conceivable.

Lust and love:

Lustful love, or this with ever new ideas, inspirations, even caprioles, even extravaganza aufutriggern, is Jupiter input. And with Jupiter-Accompanying and Pre-Destined in 2019, you can light up all your charm, your charisma, thrilling encounters that also get carried away to something special. To fully enjoy this and to become the social darling is being considered. Lilith, the rampant, untamed goddess in the planet, is staying in the meeting house until April. Who is bound, should not build on a too strong long-suffering of the partner, it could lead to irritation and clashes, which then forcing you more of the need for freedom. And, parallel effect, your look at your counterpart is not friendlier through confrontations, pulling and jerking. Whatever you blame on the other, under Lilith you often criticize your own misconduct, blaming the other for something that is clearly your part. Especially until March is: nothing to organize in anger or in defiance. That could be judged by the impact on your own interests.

Even from the first impulse, a love-based sense nebulousness, sense delight, far-reaching decisions to make, is absolute venture. Whether Amour fou or Liebesrausch, it is often just snapshots. What is often the trigger of the amorous experiences, is the joy of the game. Which is also granted to you and cosmically intended, only then you should know, as in the casino, when nothing more is possible. In July / August, the cosmos then signals changes when suddenly emotions break out, which have been curbed for a long time and have therefore become more explosive. And those who have longed for more real exchange in relationship, want to deepen or polish the confidence again, who wants to reanimate the soul and erotic fascination or want to have confirmed by the opposite, now not only need to address these areas, there are also triggers, well Tacheles to talk.

Feel that your relationship skills are special, that you are responsible, but that you are not committed to love and desire. And that may also be addressed. Likewise, your wishes, relationship to live on equal terms. Claim is also to claim a very own area of ​​life for themselves, also in order not to overload the relationship, to disenchant. It is always helpful under Jupiter to expand their own areas of life more. Even those in which the other can not have a say or wants to have a say. This prevents competitive friction that you absolutely dislike, but unconsciously force. Create areas where both you and your counterpart are sovereign. Also hobbies and ambitions. Here everyone should pay homage to his interests. They need space to get involved in being connected. This is the number one issue in 2019, all the nice bantering, getting confirmation otherwise, are little escapes. Can be salutary, but should be counted in your correspondence as compensation, and thus not as a concept for a new love design. By the way, it's not that easy to get out of existing relationships, your preference is loyalty. The singles, however, may be surrounded by swarms of worshipers in 2019, and may also find a love that fuels self-esteem, as well as their love of happiness.

Job and career:

Uranus takes you into custody but also duty and brings new impulses. Which means not to go where the path leads, but to where no one is, and then leave their mark there. From time to time to withdraw from all that too busy, in the wild Uranus times in 2019 is the motto and the gift to separate the wheat from the chaff. Offers, offers, opportunities are available in abundance and again in new design and preparation.Your reputation, image, reputation suffers more when you jump from one topic, one enthusiasm to the next. Bring peace and quiet into the turbulent events. Into want! This includes first drafting a sketch: where do I stand, what can I do, what do I want, where can I land at best. To anchor this orientation, to use it again and again as a blueprint when inquiring about you helps not to exhaust yourself in the preliminary round.

Often, they are going to be under power in 2019, losing more power than you register, because your restlessness, which drives you, deceives an energy level that is not really there. To rewrite the fields of knowledge would be ideal preparation, not just to put on a limited picture of career success. And then, quite enraptured from realizing oneself, the organization, neglecting the planning of details. They do not have to do everything archetypically. Delegate is Lion privilege, which is to be cultivated in 2019 again more demanded. In the sixth house, the division of work and processes, including the employees, Pluto and Saturn. Everything is by no means everything according to specification and plan, it needs supervision. Maybe you and your team are not really pulling together any more, maybe there are fellow combatants who have their own ideas and are following them, although other things have been agreed. And where Pluto stands, there are opposing forces, which, incidentally, can also act more intensively in your own internal team of your own.

For example, if patterns, concepts, structure, or timing are not really consistent with your inner intentions. And you might have developed a dogged performance mindset, trend: workaholic, and rage against your life forces. Then your health manager will sound the alarm, and rightly so. Success is something wonderful, but it must not become a demon. Especially lions have to celebrate life in order to live up to their own vision of life. So, on the life, and there should / should then also on it toast. And: artistically you are in top form. Be ambitious, let creativity float freely, and success be your friend.

Body and soul:

If life pulsates clearly somewhere, in the year 2019 in the area of ​​the joy of life and the artistic high phase, the energy, which must be provided for it, is taken off somewhere else, this usually and especially in 2019 in the bodily organ process. Then in 2019 your sensitive area will be health and its prophylaxis. In this regard, mindfulness is recommended. This is actually a "non" topic for you, to feel fit and fresh is one of the cosmic commitments, the lion basic equipment.

Quite simply, however, this complex of topics does not come along, although lions actually have a very willing, hard-wearing organism. But, that's why your mind-body-spirit alliance deserves an extra dose of regeneration. Saturn and Pluto call for not warding off symptoms as a nuisance, but as a signal to do something good.

In 2019, your back, astrologically considered as your weak point, may ask for more kind attention, consideration. Those who have had a hard time or are still packing too much, especially in the area of ​​work and careers, should take a bit shorter and consider, even a high-achieving job realization is work, effort, sometimes stress. Especially since in 2019 you could develop a fairly extensive degree of perfection, your archetypal quality, having the courage to fill the gap and thus being on the spot will be reduced. Perfectionism is always unhealthy. Constantly trying to get the best out of yourself leads to blockages, especially in the back and the holding apparatus. It also blocks thinking of what to bring back into flow when balancing the right and left halves of the brain, eg. For example, by alternately singing and huming. Or make the Kaspar, stand down and then alternately raise right arm and left leg, then left arm and right leg. That synchronizes ratio and intuition.

To ask the question before every step, what really matters to me, is indispensable for my happiness, what is left of my creations of really valuable things, if all the exhausted comes to rest or is omitted, is very salutary Reflect. The essence of being is often quite unspectacular, viewed from the outside. Health, one can reach out to life, but is certainly one of them. And: They are good at giving others a pleasant atmosphere, suitable conditions. What do you actually treat yourself? In 2019 you expect more from yourself than you will ever get back from others, conversely, would be wholesome and no ego attitude.

Power sources:

  1. Lions appreciate the somewhat elite sports, golf is the lion favorite. And very healthy, exercise, fresh air, landscape, green, the latter good for the eye, seeing through the heart is fed. Here is all this in the overall package.
  2. Pilates is not only a blessing for the back, the training of deep muscles also enables you to go through life more elastic, relaxed, gently streamlined.
  3. Museum visits. It does not matter whether you look at pictures, admire sculptures, or marvel at archaeological things. Lions need this world to stimulate the mind. The connection with the historical also helps to understand that there are values ​​that are everlasting.
  4. Spa and wellness visits. Let yourself be pampered, to get a good body feeling about it, is pure lion.
  5. Osteopathy: Because it stimulates the self-regulation of the organism.
  6. Raja Yoga: If yoga, then the royal variant.
  7. Event visits: art, culture, exchange with artists and art lovers, lions love it.
  8. Cafe house visits, just sit, watch or read the newspaper.

Click here for the entire annual horoscope 2019!

Leo 2019 - 2020 Astrology Annual Forecast (May 2024).

Annual Horoscope, Zodiac, Uranus