Adoption for homosexuals: It is the same!


The world is spinning in a circle. She always does that. Only: In Germany, she likes to spin longer with anachronistic family pictures than anywhere else. Now the Federal Constitutional Court has taken a first small step out of the circle: If a partner brings an adopted child into a homosexual relationship, the other partner may adopt it retrospectively. "Successive" adoption means that. Successively and leisurely, this court call for lawmakers will hopefully put the more fundamental question of equality of homosexual couples on the agenda of the Bundestag.

Then we will ? again? Hear questions which we can respond to in 2013 in a reflexive way. No, we do not devalue the holy father-mother-child (s) family with gay and lesbian parents. In any case, it is increasingly becoming a father-father-mother-mother-childrens-children-patchwork model. Not the form of a family is important for a child's happiness, but the content. Namely love and attention. Ever. Love. We no longer need to discuss whether women who love women and men who love men have fewer rights than people who love people.

We must, we fear, torture ourselves with this discussion for a bit longer. For Germany is not just spinning around anachronisms here. Our society is still looking for contemporary roles for men and women. Since family can not be meaningfully defined. So, even if there is nothing new, we will not stop talking about how it should be. It's very simple: the same.

Jordan Peterson - Should GAY COUPLES Raise Children? (May 2024).

Federal Constitutional Court, Adoption, Germany, Adoption, Homosexuals, Equal Rights, Federal Constitutional Court