ADAC: These three expensive child seats are a total failure

What is expensive, must be good too? Unfortunately, this rule does not always apply. In the new child seat test by ADAC and Stiftung Warentest, it is expensive models that attracted particular attention.

16 new seats were tested intensively in the October 2016 test. And unfortunately there were three of them, which endanger children rather than protect them.

The losers

The Recaro Optia (for children from 9 to 36 kilograms) flew in the crash test even in the windshield, because the hooks of the IsoFix base broke. A child would have flown in the case with the head first forward, which would have additionally endangered the adults. The manufacturer of the 370 euro expensive seat announced according to Auto-Bild already call back the model.

It can be very dangerous for children in the child seat Nuna Rebl (550 euros), which crashed forward in the crash test, because the metal frame broke. And in Diono Radian 5 (395 euros), the straps loose when strapping, which can also lead to injuries.

The winners

The baby seat Cybex Aton Q i-Size and the Kiddy Phoenixfix 3 older children got the best grades at 1.7. Among the good seats are also cheap models to find, for example, the Nania Befix SP for 49 euros.

The entire test with all grades and ratings can be downloaded from Stiftung Warentest for a fee.

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Child seat, ADAC, Stiftung Warentest, Auto