5 habits that help detoxify your body

You drank, ate and celebrated too much? Then it's high time for a detox cure. For a while, you completely do without foods that over acidify your body, such as meat, cheese, white flour, sweets, alcohol, coffee and green tea. With the following 6 small habits you support your organs in detoxing.

1. Wake up with lemon water

Lemon water is always a good idea? but especially as a warm drink shortly after waking up. The vitamins, minerals and nutrients of lemon make your brain rev up and strengthen your immune system. Just a glass of healing water also boosts your immune system and prevents inflammation in your body. And last but not least: The fiber contained provides a longer-lasting satiety.

2. Move regularly

Through regular exercise and sports you accelerate your metabolism. Sweating helps to reduce toxins through the skin. Active physical activity has a tremendously detoxifying effect and is more effective than passive detox methods such as sauna. It does not matter if you go for a walk or ride a bike: just a little exercise helps detoxify your body.

3. Put on broccoli

Broccoli has many antioxidants and contains a large amount of enzymes and nutrients that support the digestive system. In addition, should the consumption of vegetables stimulate the body to produce the anti-cancer drug I3C? and thus reduce the risk of cancer. Well, if that's no reason to at least once a week on the miracle vegetables.

4. Dry brushing helps detoxify

A quarter of the toxins that pollute your body are excreted every day via the largest organ: the skin. Who massages his skin with a brush, stimulates this process. The lymphatic system can work better, so the detoxification process is faster. The dry brushing of the skin also stimulates the blood circulation, removes dead skin cells and thus promotes cell renewal.

5. Take a soda bath

Autumn and winter are around the corner? and therefore also the ideal time to take a bath. Do not forget to add half a cup of bath salt and a cup of soda to the water. The reason: Soda is basic and neutralizes the acids on the skin. How it works? It increases the pH of your bathwater. The salt also has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect on the body? and ensures that the skin is well supplied with blood.

5 Tips to Naturally Cleanse Your Body at Home – Sadhguru (May 2024).

Detox, habit, detox, detox, food