You should allow this to your children as often as possible

Ballet, gymnastics, swimming: What are not parents doing to ensure that the next generation is physically fit, optimally weighty and powerful ?! We do not want to start from Yoga, Hobby Horsing and Zumba. Maybe we are over-motivated in our efforts? and that's all not necessary. At least we could all start a little bit smaller. According to a study, we should let our offspring do one thing above all: let him walk around barefoot.

German children mostly wear shoes

Apparently that is not only pleasant for the feet, but also incredibly healthy. At least that's what a recent comparative study of sports doctors in Germany and South Africa, which was published in the journal "Nature". The scientists examined the feet of 1015 children and adolescents aged between six and 18 years. In the province around the South African city of Stellenbosch, barefoot walking is widespread, no matter what social background you come from. The children and adolescents from northern Germany, on the other hand, wear shoes most of the day.

The researchers observed the test children for the study while walking, running, jumping and balancing. They found that the barefoot children mostly put on the heel and were much skilful. They were able to jump an average of three centimeters from the stand and were safer balancing on a thin beam. The shoe children, however, sat mostly with the forefoot, their arch was on average up to twelve percent flatter, they tended to flat feet more often. The sports physicians concluded from results that walking barefoot has great influence on the foot development, the gait and the physical performance.

Barefoot parks as a support measure

What should that say to us? Of course not that we send our sons and daughters barefoot into the cold at ten degrees and rain. That's not necessary. According to the sports physician, it is enough to interrupt the shoe time every now and then, for example when the children play in the garden or in the sand. Barefoot parks should be fun too? now they are practically also a health promotion for our children.

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Germany, South Africa