"What's more important in the job - money or fulfillment?"

Katrin Wilkens (45) studied rhetoric and worked as a trainer in further education. Since 2000 she writes as a freelance journalist and others. for mirror, time, FA and Nido. What she is really good at: portraying important and less important personalities, that they howl with happiness. Or with anger. Combine. To put things in a nutshell. To look into people. Discover special features. With her agency "i.do" (which is Japanese and means "change", "journey"), the mother of three advises women on their return - and promises: "In the end you have one answer: the tailor-made job."

© private

Silke B. asks: "How can I find a meaningful job that also brings money?"

"In my old life I was key account manager in a large group in Hamburg, but this is no longer possible with children, a 60-hour week was not uncommon at that time.

I would like to take the children's break (my three are 5, 3, 1) as an opportunity to redesign my life. This also means that I give my working life a little more sense. Of course, it also includes earning money.

I used to have a very good salary, and even though I work less, I do not want to stay below my potential.

What do you advise me? "

Best regards,

Silke B.

Dear Silke B.,

"Sense and money are per se disputed siblings when it comes to a new professional orientation, In large corporations, membership is often paid in gold. This requires loyalty and conformity. Breaking out of this system is a difficult task for many, also because the financial security aspect weighs heavily.

If you are looking for a meaningful job, you often end up in social sectors. This industry pays otherwise than with money. Or have you ever met a nurse / street worker who said, "Well, my salary is great !?

Of course, there are also key account NGO jobs, but I'm afraid it will frustrate you if you look at the salary scales there.

If you still dare to take this step, then look at the salary holistically: Is there a Manolo-Blahnik compulsion in a social enterprise? Are the employees looking funny if they do not run to the beautician, the hairdresser and the teeth cleaning three times a week? Or is the whole corporate culture a bit more downsized, so you do not need as much money as you did before?

A second possibility would be to seek an undemanding job (in the social sense) and solve the question of meaning with an honorary post. If you invite an unaccompanied refugee to breakfast once a month, you may be doing much more good than you could in the PR department of a non-profit organization.

If you still feel like learning a little something, have a look Further education opportunities for the foundation manager on. Hamburg is a foundation stronghold in Germany. There are 1300 foundations here, more than in any other federal state (based on the number of inhabitants). And the training is small, feasible (distance learning) and a rare combination of meaning and money.

Free after Erich Kästner: 'There are good things, do it!' "

Katrin Wilkens, i.do.

Further information about the re-entry after the baby break under www.i-do-hamburg.de

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MONEY or JOB SATISFACTION: Which is more important? (May 2024).

Job money, fulfillment, Katrin Wilkens