What really matters in terms of hygiene in the kitchen

1. Wash hands

Wash hands thoroughly with warm water and soap before, during and after preparation of food.

2. Wash food

Always wash food thoroughly before processing.

3. Different boards

Use two tablets: one for raw meat and one for fruits and vegetables.

4. It all depends on the right order

When cooking, first prepare dishes that are not heated or are less germinated, e.g. Vegetables. Only then prepare the meat. If this is not possible, put all the meat in contact with the dishes, such as planks and knives, and wash your hands. Vegetables, salad etc. on separate dishes prepare. Thus, other foods are protected from the harmful meat germs and it can not come to cross contamination, so the germ transmission from one food to the other.

5. dishes in the dishwasher

Dishes that have come into contact with raw meat should be rinsed in the dishwasher as this will provide a particularly hygienic dishwashing result. Optimum cleaning performance is already achieved in the 50 ° C program. Underlying temperatures for critical dishes but not choose.

6. Rinse dishes hot

If you do not have a dishwasher, scrub the meat platter long and hot.

7. Change towels and sponges frequently

Store dry cloths and rinsing sponges dry and change them frequently, as they quickly become true germ slingers due to the moisture. Wash the cloth more often at 60 degrees, preferably weekly.

8. Cleaning

Worktops, equipment and surfaces after contact with raw meat, its packaging and condensate, thoroughly clean.

9. Different pliers

When grilling, always use different pliers for raw and cooked meat.

10. Clean the dustbin

When disposing of packaging or leftovers, do not touch the trashcan by hand with which meat was previously processed. Also, clean the trash can often.

The expert


Yvonne Willicks is the housekeeping master and moderates since March 2010 at WDR the program "Yvonne Willicks - The Big Household Check", which can also be seen on the ARD. In her program, she gives tips for economical household management - from finances to cooking to the right washing. In addition, she is seen daily in the WDR broadcast "service time" at 18.20 clock. Willicks is a master of municipal housekeeping, board member of the educational work of the professional association of the household leaders (formerly German Housewives Association) and the consumer center Hamburg.

Further tips in the program: The household check with Yvonne Willicks "germ-free at all costs - we disgust ourselves before the wrong filth?", WDR television, Monday, April 27, 2015, 20.15 bis 21.00 clock, More about household check on www.wdr.de ,

Hygienic drainage design principles (July 2024).

Hygiene, household, kitchen, witchcraft, Yvonne Willick, WDR, household, kitchen, clean, germs, cleaning