Tyra Banks speaks in tears over unfulfilled desire for children

That their program would be so emotional, Tyra Banks probably would not have thought. In her new US talk show "Fab Life", the presenter talked to model Chrissy Teigen about the topic of children. And that's when Teigen, who has been with singer John Legend for eight years, let her frustration run wild.

In each interview she is asked when she plans to have children. "I could never imagine myself being so curious!" complains the 29-year-old.

Then she said that she and her husband had been wishing children for years. "But we have problems getting what." They would also have been in fertility clinics, but so far it did not work out.

Many do not talk about having children - out of shame

It was important for her to be open about it, the model continued, because the subject was so shameful. "When you talk about it, you realize how many people are concerned."

And this includes the hostess herself who spontaneously revealed, "I'm so tired of being asked in my social networks why I do not have children, you do not know what I'm going through, you have no idea," Tyra said Banks in front of the camera.

The 41-year-old struggled with tears as she said, "When I was 23, I said to myself," In three years, I'll have kids, then I'll be 24, and I'll say again, in three years, I'll have kids. "And so it went on until I was really ready for children at some point - but it's not that easy. "

Tyra Banks has apparently been trying to get pregnant for several years and has already had several artificial inseminations, according to People magazine. The whole thing was for the "very traumatic," Banks had recently admitted.

It is understandable that women can do without the questions of strangers in such a situation. Chrissy Teigens made it clear in the show with the sentence: "Stop asking!"

Hashtag #Stopasking becomes a hit

On Instagram, Tyra Banks reprimanded the appeal and started the #Stopasking hashtag. Thousands took part and praised Banks for their honest words. She is amazed at the great response and writes on Instagram: "All your stories give me strength and confidence - I hope that I can give this to some of you by making my story public."

Bravo, Tyra!

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I can not believe it? Went there? - the conversation, that is. I never realized how tough all this really was until I started talking about it and I can not believe so many of you can totally relate. Truth is, there are so many of them that they have been asked. Why? Because many of us really like kids and when you can find out you can? T have children or that maybe you can, but the journey is just so damn hard? the one thing that seems like the most natural thing in the world becomes so unnatural and so very taxing. IVF is an amazing medical miracle and gives the gift of life to so many. I have been born, fed, and played with those born because of those medical miracles. But for countless others, it can be really devastating. I know many women that have not had success after years of trying. And trying. And trying. I want to let you know that you're not alone. There are millions just like you. I can not believe that I'm talking about how to make all this happen on my new show @fablifeshow I hope that by sharing my story, I'll give you the strength and courage that you have given me. As women we should not feel ashamed or talk to you about plans for a family. But we should not feel pressured to either. We need a space where we can really help each other? and most importantly listen to each other? because a lot of social media is about snap judgments and being well ... judicious and just assuming things. The questions hurt. Why? Because you never know what people may be going through. So you know what? Let? S #StopAsking.

A post shared by Tyra Banks (@tyrabanks) on Sep 20, 2015 at 6:02 pm PDT

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Tyra Banks, Chrissy Teigen, Children's Desire, Model, John Legend