Thomas Gottschalk is coming back - with THIS new show event!

Gottschalk is coming back? Yes! A sensation for all fans of the big TV shows: Thomas Gottschalk returns with a new format on television.

What exactly is there to us? The new show is called "Mensch Gottschalk - Das bewegt Deutschland" and will be broadcast on RTL. According to Sender, it will be about topics and people, "talk about the whole country".

Germany used to like to talk about the candidates and stars of "Wetten, dass ..?" spoken. That's right, but that's finally over. The new show not only wants to entertain, but also inform and contribute to current debates. Issues such as refugee crisis or fear of terror should therefore also have their place.

Alright, another talk show ... No, the transmitter points that far away! On "socially relevant" follows in the press release immediately the all-clear: "no usual polittalk with hard fact check." The topics should have substance, the program still entertain.

A difficult balancing act - whether Gottschalk gets that? The transmitter is very sure of his case. And Gottschalk himself says: "The state of our country is more exciting than any red carpet in Hollywood." If he manages to get that across, the experiment could succeed. Could. Gottschalk has not yet had the best show experience on RTL.

And when is it going? The first broadcast date is on 5th of June at 20:15. The live show will take three hours unless Gottschalk covers. We are curious!

Nachrichten | Strahle-Pics: Thomas Gottschalk mit neuer Freundin bei Event (May 2024).

Thomas Gottschalk, Germany, RTL, Gottschalk, Show, new program, TV