The only purpose that will make you happy in 2017

What are your plans and intentions for next year? Do more sports again? Lose weight? Less argue? Finally, to build a new career perspective? To find a new love?

Purposes are good, because they help us to concretize our wishes and dreams. However, they have one drawback: we are fixated on the fact that we can only be happy in a certain way. By putting our intent into action.

Sometimes happiness comes insidiously

Often, luck disguises itself and confuses us. We come across the right partner, but not after a weeks-long search on an online dating site, but at work - without having to check it out. The holiday that bursts causes us to spontaneously do something much better than we initially thought. And the job application, which was rejected, results in a new contact after five months.

Often we wish in well-trodden paths. Therefore, the only purpose that will make you really happy next year is:

Have no expectations!

  • You want to lose weight? Then do not stress your body with a strict diet, but try to understand the needs of your body. Which foods does he need? When is he full? What does he tolerate and what does not? This may contradict the usual dietary rules, but certainly not your body.
  • You can not find the right man? Stop looking for a while and do only things that are good for yourself, and watch out for who comes across you at this time. Even if it's men who are forgiven or too old / too young, flirting is always allowed and you realize what you really want.
  • Your relationship is exhausting? Also, in this case: Concentrate on yourself and your needs for a while. Take an inner time-out without leaving. By doing so, you take the pressure off the relationship. And after a while you may be the person you would like to be with yourself.

Of course, this series can be continued. By the way, not having expectations does not mean that we can not be ambitious. But on the contrary. It just means we are not committed to a goal.

If Only I Could Make You Happy (May 2024).

Dating, New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve, 2016