The loving ones ? your tarot card

"The lovers": What does this card mean?

Short and sweet
The right choice, heart decision, love, union, yes

You are completely convinced? Then say clearly "Yes!"

"The lovers": What does the tarot card show?

Traditional elements of the tarot card "The lovers" are on old representations a man and a woman, who are struck by the arrows of a winged Cupid, that are inflamed in love to each other. You are, however? depending on the fashion of the time? They are dressed appropriately, and sometimes they also get an official (earthly) blessing from a third person for their connection.

But the naked lovers in the Rider Waite Tarot are more reminiscent of Adam and Eve in Paradise; especially as the serpent snakes its way through the fruit-bearing tree of knowledge behind the woman on the left. The man on the right, on the other hand, stands before the lesser-known (and less dangerous) tree of life, which according to biblical tradition also grew in the Garden of Eden.

The volcanic mountain in the background does not bode well for the moment: does it boil in it? Is the expulsion from paradise imminent? Did the fiery, glowing Great Archangel, who hovers over Adam and Eve, come to banish the couple to the other side of Eden?

But no! The mighty angel under the radiant sun gazes softly and gently, the gesture of his hands indicates a blessing from the lovers. Despite all nudity (and the sensual passion hinted at), this is a serious wedding ceremony with a blessing of the very highest order.

Here yin and yang are united, the feminine principle that can not lead a fruitful life without the masculine; and vice versa. Love is the bridge that makes everything complete and complete.

As a day ticket: If the tarot picture "The lovers" stands for you

Not every time you draw this day ticket, your wedding is imminent. But the card definitely announces a beautiful, harmonious day, where previous contradictions happily overcome and everything comes to a good result. In your decisions you will instinctively make the right choice, trust your feeling. Even matters in which you have a little guilty conscience, clear up now easily and friendly. You will be forgiven.

As a Love Red: If the tarot card "The Lovers" stands for your partner or your relationship

This card is of course a dream in every relationship! Accordingly, you have the higher blessing for your further happiness; even though you may have come together in not entirely innocent circumstances. Even if all sorts of stealth or seduction was involved, your love is not a "fall." You are not Eve, the prototype of the sinner. You are simply a couple in love, with all the strengths and weaknesses that we humans have. Just let nature run its course.

"The lovers": assignments of the map

In Tarot: Great Arcana, Trump VI

Further names of the card: The Lovers (Rider-Waite-Tarot / Aleister-Crowley-Tarot)

Element / Astrology: The zodiac sign Gemini

'Pick Your Card' ~ Messages from Passed Loved Ones? | Oracle Card Tarot Reading (May 2024).

Lovers, tarot card, day pass, love tarot