The crazy story about food - explained by a trend researcher

Mr. Wippermann, why do you all suddenly spoon chia seeds out of bowls?

We optimize to the stop? whether with superfood, clean eating or fitness. And best of all, everything is tracked and posted in order to feel at home about the likes. The world is becoming more and more complex, and our body is felt to be the only thing we can control, that drives strange flowers.

And why must it necessarily be avocados or goji berries? does not it also a native apple?

Exotic foods are so coveted because they promise something that has to do with nature and magic, and that's just a big trend. You can see that, for example, in the hype surrounding the "forest bathing". As well as the good old forest walk is charged as an enormous source of energy of nature. And of course, the charm and magic of an unknown fruit are greater than those of a familiar one.

Superfood, regional cuisine, organic markets. Why has food become such an omnipotence?

That's the big countermovement to the coffee to go work world. In addition, the passionate food preparation replaces pop culture. There used to be music styles that had been consistently wary. Today you hear everything at the same time. Instead, people argue about whether a vegan burger is allowed on the meat grill. And politics is too sensitive as small talk, it is easier to discuss the food.

What is probably the next trend wave spilling over us?

This is already evident in the US. Using genetic analysis, individual diets are tailored to the body. You simply send a saliva sample and get a suitable nutrition plan. This will also be the future in the anti-aging market: personalized care.

This Is Why Eating Healthy Is Hard (Time Travel Dietician) (June 2024).