The best of all against the winter blues

The psychotherapist and psychiatrist

Slight depressive moods in the dark season, which we colloquially call winter blues, affect many people. However, unlike manifest depressive episodes, which affect approximately 350 million people worldwide, there are no exact figures on it, as most people do not go to the doctor. Typical symptoms are seemingly gratuitous sadness that lasts for several days, tiredness, fatigue, and a reduced sense of pleasure. Everyday life is handled more or less well. Causes of the upset moods may be genetic predispositions associated with psychosocial stress such as relationship problems or difficulties in the workplace.

Even the lack of light in winter favors the blues. Because at night, the body releases more of the hormone melatonin, which affects the "inner clock" of the person and promotes sleep. I therefore recommend to walk for 30 to 60 minutes daily in the daylight, if possible without sunglasses. The direct incidence of light across the retina of the eye signals to our body that the melatonin production can be throttled first. In addition, the mood increases when you do sports two to three times a week for 30 to 60 minutes. A controlled sleep-wake cycle with at least six to eight hours of nocturnal sleep and relaxation exercises, such as autogenic training, can also help.

Very important: do not isolate yourself. Even if you do not feel like talking to friends, talk about your problems. If you feel permanently bad for more than two weeks, see a doctor to see if the mood has become a real depression.

Dr. Med. Claudia Kollmar, Specialist in the Special Outpatient Clinic "Depression" at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf

The pharmacologist

When winter blues can be taken without hesitation herbal medicines; They have almost no side effects and are very well tolerated. With a slight depressive mood are St. John's wort preparations, z. As Laif® 900 Ba lance or Neuroplant® AKTIV, the only non-prescription drugs from the pharmacy, which have very good antidepressant. The daily dose should be 900 milligrams and taken in the morning so as not to interfere with other medications such as blood thinners or the micropillus. The effect of the St. John's wort extracts builds up gradually and is only fully achieved after about two weeks.

In addition, a herbal tea from the pharmacy can help. A mixture of 40 grams of lemon balm, 25 grams of peppermint, 15 grams of silver thistle and 35 grams of St. John's wort has a relaxing and mood-enhancing effect. Even a light therapy can relieve winter blues, as studies show. For this purpose, so-called "energy light devices" have been developed, which work with white light, which corresponds to the spectrum of sunlight. Another device, the "Valkee Light Headset", directs light through the ear directly into the brain. However, it has only been successfully tested on a few individuals, so it is still too early to evaluate the effectiveness.

Professor Dr. Karen Nieber, University of Leipzig, Institute of Pharmacy

The homeopathic doctor

Homeopathy looks at each person very individually and holistically. Even with depressive moods, we distinguish different states of mind in order to then use the right remedy. With this we achieve a stimulus that is supposed to stimulate the body to heal itself. In the short term, it may come to an initial aggravation, but at the latest after two days should be gone. If you want to treat yourself, you should only take low potencies, so at most in a single dose three globules in C-30 potency on the tongue melt. Fearful people who are quickly irritated and sensitive - even on touch - can respond with "hypericum". Rest and cold are also helpful for them, with excessive exercise and too much sleep, the symptoms worsen.

"Sepia" can be used by women, who alternate depressive moods with feelings of hate. They often indifferently respond to obligations and relieve their discomfort through warmth and movement, while rest, cold, and lunar changes are often counterproductive.

"Ignatia" may be the right remedy for those who are either exultant or grieved to death and are also quickly insulted. Warmth and movement also do good to these people, cold and strong odors can negatively affect the state of mind. If there is no improvement after a week, I recommend visiting a homeopathic doctor.

Cornelia Bajic, 1.Chair of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Physicians and Lecturers of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

The nutritionist

Eating is more than just taking food. In fact, it affects our emotional state, our moods and feelings, and can also help with depressive moods in winter. It is important to increase the concentration of the "happiness hormone" serotonin in the brain. This is best achieved by increasing the intake of the amino acid tryptophan, the precursor of serotonin, through a carbohydrate-based and low-protein diet.

If there is stress behind the winter blues, the consumption of carbohydrate-rich snacks from dried fruit can improve the mood. Already three to five dates as a snack, one to two hours after breakfast, have a relaxing good mood effect. For lunch, I recommend noodles with light vegetable sauce. And in the evening before going to bed you can drink 250 milliliters of warm milk with honey. Rather unpowered people should eat whole grains at each meal. These build up slowly in the body. So the brain gets constantly energy replenishment, which also has a mood-enhancing effect.

We know from studies that low intake of omega-3 fatty acids, which are mainly found in marine fish, can be a cause of depressive moods. That's why you should eat fatty fish like salmon, mackerel or herring two to three times a week. Instead of sunflower and corn oil, you better use walnut or rapeseed oil.

Dr. Andrea Flemmer, certified biologist and author of the book "Mood-Food - Fortune Nutrition"

The respiratory and body therapist

Almost imperceptibly escapes our life energy in a depressive mood. The breath becomes shallower and slower, thereby supplying the body with less oxygen. Our body and sensation perception dulls off slowly. To counteract this, the following exercise helps: Tap your body with loose fists and wrists and then feel the invigorating freshness. Stretch, loll and stretch in the distance, preferably in the fresh air or at the open window. That makes your breath deeper. Does a yawn arise? Wonderful! Your body reacts! Brush the lower ribs of your rib cage vigorously on both sides with your thumb and forefinger. This is how you address the underlying diaphragm, your main respiratory muscle.

Then draw your attention to your nose and recall a pleasant fragrance. There may actually be something fragrant in your area: a flower, orange peel, a scented oil. "Sniff" this or an imaginary fragrance in short, gentle breaths through the nose. Let it flow into your heart. Maybe you can feel how active your diaphragm is and how your chest moves. Your exhale may drain through the slightly opened lips or with a "mmmmh". Repeat this about five times. The recessed breathing brings oxygen into every single body cell, where it is needed for energy. Mental stress and physical tension can be solved.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Maas from Munich, Lecturer at the Institute for Respiratory and Body Psychotherapy, Freiburg i. Br.

Six Things to Know About the Winter Blues - The Nebraska Medical Center (May 2024).

Winter blues, pharmacy, upset, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, winter, dark days, depression, light