The 7 most beautiful Christmas gifts for myself? under 100 euros!

What else do I have to buy for Christmas dinner? Which cookies can I bake for the children? Where can I get the right Christmas tree? How should the Christmas tree be decorated and the apartment decorated for the guests? Which gifts do I have to get and where do I buy the best gift paper?

Questions about questions, every year. For most women, Christmas means pure stress ? because still it is mostly we, who take care of (almost) everything around Christmas!

Well, maybe some of us are organizing everything incredibly. But the bright faces of the children and the saturated bellies of the guests really compensate us completely for the whole effort? Does this dissolve our stress level in the air? Of course not!

How about a proper gift for yourself? Yes, you've read that correctly: It is quite appropriate to give yourself! Just during the Christmas season, where we think first and foremost of our children, partners and friends, and beyond that (too often) lose sight of each other.

And it is probably a bare fact that Christmas would go without us in the pants: The Christmas goose would burn, the children would be close to tears due to the inappropriate gifts and the term "Christmas decoration" would degenerate into a foreign word in their own four walls ,

A gift that really makes us happy? under 100 euros!

If we are honest, we have more than earned a Christmas present! And not the blouse of the mother-in-law, which is deposited well in the back of the closet, not the perfume of the cousin, which attacks our nose almost violently and not the well-meaning new kitchen machine, which binds us even more to the kitchen instead to help us escape her.

We deserve a present that we get really to wish. That makes us happy. A present we have long wished for? and at the same time our account is not overused.You can not think of anything spontaneously? Then these 7 gift ideas will certainly help you on the jumps! Under warranty is one or the other, which appeals to your heart's longing:

1. Obvious gift: a wellness day!

Just magic away the stress of Christmas? we all dream of that! And indeed there is a way we can make this dream a reality.

Okay, maybe we can not undo the stress. But we can make sure he's blown away as soon as the holidays are over. That it seems to us like months behind us.

The magic formula is: wellness day, come to me! And this is how it works: As soon as the first Saturday is over after Christmas / New Year, you deposit the children? right after breakfast! ? with the partner or with relatives. Say goodbye to the magic formula: "I'll be back in eight hours!" and make your way to a wellness temple.

How about a spa including a sauna area? Many such relaxation oases also offer massages. Too much of the good? But not! You deserve it! (If you have doubts, think back to the pre-Christmas stress: about the endless queues in department stores or the spiteful comments of relatives ...).

Close this Saturday your Day! He belongs to you all alone, your body, your mind, your well-being.

Costs: A day ticket at the spa costs on average 25 euros. A massage has to be paid extra, in Germany the prices are about one euro per massage minute (30 minutes back massage make 30 euros). Lunch on site costs between 10 and 20 euros. Does a total of between 70 and 80 euros? and is worth every penny!

For the small purse: If you have absolutely no money left after Christmas, you can take Plan B: outsource husband and kids, get a hot bath, light candles, pick up your favorite book, put on relaxation music, switch off your cell phone and head and take a deep breath for hours ...

2. Change of mind: a dinner with yourself!

Love is known to go through the stomach? Self-love is no exception. A meal that you do not begrudge yourself every day should be on your menu with this gift. At the same time, it can still exude a touch of luxury: whether a visit to the noble restaurant of the city or a deluxe wine tasting? Give your senses an exquisite pleasure experience!

And: clean yourself out! Put on your fancy dress, your hottest shoes, your most precious jewelry! Get ready, as if you had dinner with the Queen? only you are the queen with whom you go!

Let yourself be served, cook for you, let yourself be spoiled culinary and show your nose, your tongue, that you appreciate them! Eat the menu slowly, enjoy every bite, feel the exclusivity of your meal!

Little tip: do it alone! Of course, could you create a date with your loved one? but this gift is all about you! Do not be distracted and concentrate only on your senses.

Costs: Arrives at the restaurant. But: Even Michelin-rated restaurants are not as expensive as you might think! Example: A meal in thePetit Délice in Hamburg costs between 25 and 72 euros per person. A vegetarian 4-course menu in Berlin Hugo's restaurant costs 85 euros.

For the small purse: If that does not fit the budget, it can also be less exclusive. How about a visit to the favorite Italian around the corner? The main thing is you do not have to cook yourself! Luxury is subjective? and luxury is what you make of it ...

3. Treat yourself: the it-piece of your choice!

Sometimes we all daydream about the chic boots out of the window, which we did not want, because the son-man still needed a winter jacket. Or the noble black evening dress from the internet shop, which we did not order, because we had hardly any suitable occasions to carry it out anyway. And then there's the ring that we've been swarming for years, but still nobody has given us ...

No matter what it is: This Christmas is yours! Choose the gift for you with as much love and care as you would for your child, mother or partner. For whatever you decide, it should scream: I love myself!

Costs: Can you decide for yourself? If you have decided to spend up to 100 euros, then turn the whole 100 euros upside down! Remember: It's for you? the most important person in your life.

For the small purse: With this gift, you can decide for yourself how much you spend. If you do not have a lot of money, look for the symbolism of the gift. If you look at it later, it should tell you: you are great and you deserve me! It does not have to be a diamond ring right away. The symbolism is not tied to a price. If, for example, a ring is the symbol of your self-love for you, it also does cheaper costume jewelery. The main thing is that he likes you!

4. Beautiful life: (d) a beauty day!

When did you last treat your body? Perfect manicure, proper pedicure, full body peeling, reflexology foot massage, fresh haircut, breathtaking selfmade orgasm ...?!

It's been way too long, right? Let me guess: A selfless priority list in the weekend planning has always thwarted your beauty plans? Not anymore! The Santa Claus? you yourself? Gives you a beauty day this year!

Take care of yourself like a star: from the removal of the cornea to French Nails and a trendy hair color to a facial peeling for a velvety, healthy skin.

For too long have you neglected your body? He accompanies you throughout your life. Your feet carry you 365 days a year, your skin protects you from the sun's rays and winter cold? and out of your vagina you squeezed one or the other child or maybe you will do it in the future. Thanks every single part of the body for not abandoning you ? and thus ensure that it stays that way in the future.

Costs: Depends on what you decide for. Manicure, pedicure and foot massage are often available for less than 100 euros. The self-made orgasm is free (or rather, priceless ...).

For the small purse: A hairdresser's visit alone can do wonders. Even if you just cut the tips to make your hair fall better, and try a pony that frames your face in a different way, you feel like a new person. Manicure and pedicure, you can do it all by yourself, all you need is a good nail polish from the drugstore and the little time for yourself (here too: first send husband and children away ...).

5. Unforgettable: a memory for life!

Have you ever taken a walk with an alpaca? Have you ever let yourself be carried away? Have you ever driven a quad? And have you already taken a taxi through the Nürburgring? No, no, no and again no? But then it will be high time!

Let the stress of Christmas fall away from you by trying something new! Every time you do something for the first time, you will get to know each other a new way. Expand your experience horizon. Do you remember that life toohecan live instead of routinely following the daily routine.

Give yourself an unforgettable adventure of which you will still tell your grandchildren. It will shape you, arouse your zest for life, make you incredibly enjoyable! It's time for little (or big) crazes!

Costs: Alpaca hike approx. 35 Euro, body flying approx. 100 Euro, quad tour approx.70 Euro, Drift-Taxi Traveling about 100 Euro, Paintball play about 55 Euro, House-Running about 80 Euro, bungee jumping about 100 Euro, gliding about 80 Euro, paragliding about 100 Euro, musical dinner about 80 euros, Segway tour about 65 euros (selection, for example, Jochen Schweizer or MyDays).

For the small purse: A day in the climbing course costs about 25 euros, standup paddling or canoeing about 10 to 20 euros. If that is too expensive or you can not find any offers near you, you can treat yourself for the first time for free! As? Go to a shelter and ask if you can help with animal feeding. Or go past a construction site and ask cheeky, if you can operate the small excavator (of course under supervision). Get into a taxi waiting in the back of the queue and ask if you can afford the driver some company? they have the best stories in stock! You will be surprised how open your fellow human beings are ? and how easy it is to make yourself (and others) happy with little crazes!

6. Run away: a city trip!

"If only I had traveled to Regensburg!" Aachen. Respekt Dresden. In retrospect Rothenburg. Erfurt, Marburg, Freiburg, Lübeck, Heidelberg, Görlitz, Celle, Augsburg, Mainz, Koblenz, Potsdam, Passau, Schwerin, Bamberg, Wismar, Münster, Stralsund, Wiesbaden, Speyer, Aschaffenburg ...

Had, bike chain! Not anymore! Pack your things, give man / child / dog off and go alone! Whether over the whole weekend or just for a day trip: Extending your geographic horizon is always worthwhile!

It does not have to be Paris, Stockholm, London or Rome. We find beautiful little towns spread all over Germany. And: the shorter the way to the destination, the more time you have to stay there. Stroll through the streets of the old town, look at the architecture of old or new buildings, try to catch the mentality of the locals.

Let yourself be inspired by the new impressions, prospects, culinary specialties. Get to know each other yourself when traveling alone. More knowledge about you and the world packed in a single gift works best this way. From the post office, girls!

Costs: It depends ... bus, train or car? How far is your desired goal? For 100 euros you can commute to the next big city and join a guided city tour.

For the small purse: Do you know your own city? really? So really really? Most people know their favorite vacation spot better than their own home. So go ahead and join a city excursion in your area! Once the city as a tourist see instead of locals (or new): Betting, you will learn a lot of new things? Let yourself be surprised what is hidden in your home so everything? and wonder ...

7. On course: Learn something new!

Cook Japanese? Do you meditate Buddhist? Speak Italian? Dance South American? There are things you can not easily read. You have to practice them, internalize them, experience them.

How do I write a book? How does PowerPoint work? And how do you play the guitar? Everyone has a secret bucket list that he has been carrying around forever. High time to approach her? and when does a new beginning offer itself better than at the beginning of the year? Christmas is a well-known new year. A nice moment to redeem your own present.

Whether it's pottery or photography lessons, sewing or painting lessons, fitness or martial arts lessons, today there is little that you can not learn in an evening or weekend class. The nicest thing about the gift: Most courses consist of several courses that take place regularly. Also says: You have something of it longer. And once you've learned it, you keep the ability (at best) forever!

If you do not want to spend your physical energy but want to broaden your knowledge horizon, you can take pleasure in gourmet courses such as a gin seminar (around 80 euros), a perfume workshop (around 96 euros) or a baking course (eg "Franzbrötchen trifft Schweineohr "at the VHS Hamburg, 33 euros).

Costs: Most ? often multipart? Courses at the adult education center (VHS) cost between 40 and 80 euros (dangling up and down possible). What hardly anyone knows: The VHS offers many special courses, such as goldsmithing, bookbinding, juggling, handlettering, mantra singing or cajon building. Courses at Jochen Schweizer, Mydays & Co. (such as the gin seminar or the perfume workshop) are priced between 80 and 100 euros.

For the small purse: Every person has different talents. You've always admired your best friend for her piano playing? Then ask her if she would like to give you one lesson or another? in return, you cook them. Or is your colleague originally from China? Then ask her if she gives you a crash course in Chinese? Most people are happy to show an honest interest in their origins.Let your father-in-law teach you the waltz and your artisan brother how to repair cabinets. Become the person you admire!

Video Tip:

7 Awesome Gifts You Can Buy On Amazon UNDER $15 (May 2024).

Christmas, gift, Christmas present, Germany, self-love