Sweet Potato: Recipes for Enjoyment in Orange

Sweet Potato: Exotic trendy vegetables

The sweet potato, also known by the name of Batate, is the trendy vegetable. A few years ago she was still an exotic, she meets us today in almost every discounter and restaurant - and at affordable prices.

And we? We can not get enough of her. Whether in the form of sweet potato fries, stuffed or baked as oven-sweet potatoes - the sweet potato is an all-round talent, which now comes more and more to the table. But what is behind the tuber with the extraordinary color, know only very few. So we'll introduce you to them in detail.

Exciting facts about sweet potato

First of all, the name is deceptive! The sweet potato is not related to the potato. In truth, she is one of the so-called wind plants, to which also various tubers and root vegetables are counted. In contrast to the potato, therefore, one may also eat sweet potatoes raw.

In South America it is already for more than 8,000 years collected and Batate belonged for ages to the diet of the natives. She has been cultivated there for about 4,000 years.

Christopher Columbus then brought her to Europe for the first time in the 15th century, where she found ideal conditions in Spain and Portugal. Here it was initially considered food of the poor. Because word got around quickly that the sweet potato one aphrodisiac, potency-enhancing effect Soon, she also enjoyed great popularity among the upper classes and the rest of Europe. And that has not changed until today. On the contrary!

Sweet Potato: Healthy Wonder Doll

Her sweetish taste, which is so characteristic of the sweet potato that he even gave her the name, is due to the high starch content.

It also contains the phytochemical Caiapo, Studies indicate that he himself positive for anemia, hypertension and diabetes effect. For example, in a study published in Diabetes Care, the Journal of the American Diabetes Association, it emerged that the Cholesterol levels of participants declined and her general health improved.

And as if that was not enough, the sweet potato still contains many Nutrients and vital substances, minerals, vitamins and highly effective antioxidants, For more information, we clarify in our article, why sweet potatoes are healthy.

The sweet potato loves the heat

Sweet potatoes need a lot of heat to thrive, which is why they are grown in countries with long summers and mild climates. They grow mainly in the USA, the Caribbean, Israel, Africa and Brazil. Since the sweet potato has a very thin, delicate shell, it is not harvested by machine, but by hand and put in buckets in the warehouse. The tubers can be stored for up to 12 months in air-conditioned rooms - so they can be bought all year round.

The preparation of the sweet potato is similar to that of the normal potato. And like her namesake, the tuber is an all-round vegetable: it tastes good cooked, roasted or roasted in the pan, baked in the oven, fried to fries and of course in the salad.

Even many children taste the sweet root tuber outstanding. For example, they can be processed well into sweet potato porridge. Many delicious recipes with the tubers we tell you up in our recipe section.

Cooking sweet potatoes properly - that's how it works

Depending on the size you need in boiling water 30 to 45 minutes to cook, But there is a trick to speed up the preparation: simply prick the unpeeled tuber several times with a fork, then the sweet potato into the microwave for four to eight minutes at the highest level put - and she is even. Here are some more tips for cooking sweet potatoes.

As with the potato, all combinations and experiments are allowed with the sweet potato. Whether vegetarian, meat or fish - the sweet potato is on the rise and we are thrilled!

What I Eat In A Day Vegan - Sweet Potato Mac and Cheese and Green Smoothie | Laurie Lo (May 2024).

Potato recipe, soup, potato, favorite recipe, vegetarian recipes, sweet potato, potato, sweet potato recipes, recipes, vegetables, potato recipes, vegetable recipes