Study shows: Men are bad for your health!

The marriage does the human well

For a long time, marriage was considered to promote good health, for some even as an elixir of life. Studies have repeatedly shown that the federal government reduces the risk of heart attack and depression. The marriage increases even the chance to survive a cancer. On average, married people are said to live longer than singles, partly because they drink less alcohol and eat healthier food.

But: that only applies to men!

A study by the University of Padua shows now: All this really only applies to men! Wives do not blossom properly until their husbands die.

Widows are less stressed than married women, less likely to suffer from depression, and generally healthier than (yet) married women. According to Caterina Trevisan, author of the study, women are more under pressure in marriage and often experience their role as narrowing and frustrating. "Widows can also handle the loss better after the partner's death," the researcher told The Telegraph.

Unlike the men: they benefit from the attention paid by their wives. Conversely, they suffer not only mentally, but also health from the death of their partners. They age faster, feed worse and are usually lonelier than widows.

Female singles are better off overall

The study also found that female singles are generally better off than their male counterparts: they tend to be less worried and less stressed, more satisfied with their jobs, and less likely to suffer from social isolation because they tend to have close relationships with family and friends.

So a relationship is not always enriching, but for women in the traditionally lived marriage, one thing is often exhausting. For the study, around 2000 people over the age of 65 were followed for several years.

The "Healthy" Foods That Are Killing You with Dr Steven Gundry and Lewis Howes (June 2024).
