Steinbrück becomes chancellor candidate: his best sayings

They made it exciting, the gentlemen in the SPD. For a long time, Peer Steinbrück, Sigmar Gabriel and Frank-Walter Steinmeier acted as leading trio. And actually they wanted to continue this strategy until the end of the year. But the pressure in the party was too big, and also in the electorate people made a certain fatigue in the face of three top dogs. A decision had to be made. This has also recognized Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who now wants to renounce a candidacy according to media reports. As early as 1 October, SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel will officially propose Peer Steinbrück as chancellor candidate.

Whether he can really deprive Angel Merkel will be shown. It is already clear: The political debates are funnier again with Steinbrück. The native of Hamburg is known for his dry, north German humor. Here are some of his funniest sayings:

Merkel wins party backing, Schroeder on talks (June 2024).

Peer Steinbrück, chancellor candidate, SPD, federal election, Angela Merkel, Sigmar Gabriel, Frank-Walter Steinmeier