So you should live so that your children become wise

Do you live in the city with your children? Then you might want to consider relocating. British psychologists found in a study, the living environment has a significant impact on the spatial imagination of children. There is apparently a connection between near-natural living and academic success.

From bounty to math genius: Green makes you smart!

A total of 5000 children participated in the study. Various tasks on the computer measured their ability to memorize and process visual information. The result: children who grew up in the countryside achieved much better results in terms of spatial working memory. And that in turn is responsible for being able to orient ourselves in our environment and is closely linked to later, academic success. Especially in mathematics, children would benefit from rural surroundings.

money does not matter

Initially, the researchers suspected a link between the socio-economic backgroud and associated, the better results. It is possible that the wealthier families often live in green areas, which, coupled with them, often have easier access to education. The good news: The account balance of the parents makes no difference. Children of all social backgrounds seem to benefit from life in nature. A realization that could influence future urban planning and education policy decisions in the future. A tree more in the schoolyard and it starts with the analysis and geometry. If only it were that easy.

And the city children?

Do they now have a look? It is possible that the green space deficit in large cities and thus a possible maths weakness caused by urban transport, genetic dispositions or good schools can be compensated. Otherwise, probably only helps moving: After "far out janz". At least if you plan a career as an astrophysicist for your children. Or you just study something else - what social maybe, or humanities.

But as always, you do not know how it would have been without the forest in front of the nursery. And nature in the city can not be enough!

Adult Children Living At Home (May 2024).