Sleep better and relax with yoga

In Yoga, as a dog, you stretch your head in the sky, look at life as a hero and even turn the world upside down by handstand. Relaxing is not necessarily. "In the dynamic yoga styles, external form and correct execution are required - this" doing "creates the indispensable muscular structure, the power," says yoga teacher Patricia Thielemann. "You can really let go but rarely." As a gentle counterpart to normal yoga, in which body and mind are very active, Thielemann has therefore developed the program "Spirit Moonlight Yoga". This is not about "doing", but about "being" - in this way, Moonlight Yoga brings deep relaxation, helps the body and mind to regenerate and ensures a good night's sleep.

The secret: With the usual yoga asanas such as warrior, cobra or cat, the muscles are constantly working against gravity. The moonlight asanas, however, let you fall completely into the earth's gravity: The body weight is delivered with the help of pillows, blankets or yoga block completely to the ground. Muscles, abdominal organs and the mind can relax completely in this way. "The tools carry us like in a litter, through the long hold we can let go deeper," says Patricia Thielemann. A conscious breath enhances the relaxation effect. And: You can also use the postures for meditation. "Even the inexperienced stay with the unusual attitudes with their mindfulness in the matter and learn what meditation can mean: relax actively, experience intimacy and become one with something bigger," says Patricia Thielemann.

That's how it's done: With Moonlight Yoga the evening sounds soothing, the program is ideal for falling asleep afterwards. You can use it once a week to complement your regular yoga practice. Or, when you're exhausted, recharge your batteries quickly with one to three asanas. Patricia Thielemann's tip: "Like in a Hollywood movie, you can underline the mood with the right music - usually you see the world with brighter eyes."

The right moonlight breathing

These three mental images help you to gently let your breath flow during the exercises. Practice the three steps first, then connect them to a gentle respiratory flow. This breathing applies to all exercises.

Breathe a flower: Breathe gently and only through the nose - as if breathing against a delicate flower. Feel the breath anyway.

Breathe the sea: Let the breath in your throat become a gentle sound of the sea. Quiet and barely audible. Stretch the breaths as if you are standing by the sea and sucking in the air.

Breathe a sentence: Also emphasize the exhalation, as with a long sentence that you speak to the end. Allow the inhalation to passively, then exhale slowly and precisely.

Supported butterfly

That's how it's done: As a base is an elongated and solid as possible upholstery, a folded ceiling o. Ä., At the head of a small pillow. Put in front of the pad, stand upright. Put soles together and gently let knees fall apart. Lay the upper body to the back.

Attitude: Put hands on your stomach and close your eyes. The pad supports the upper body, and the head is slightly elevated - this position facilitates a deep breathing. Give your body weight completely to the surface, let go.

duration: at least five minutes.

Breathing: Do not force, just let it happen.

Extra tip: Is it pulling in the bars? Then stabilize the knees with two pillows.

Happy child

That's how it's done: When lying on your back, spread the legs over the body with your knees bent over the shoulder width. Cover with the hands the foot outer edges, the soles point to the ceiling.

Attitude: With the exhale, pull the knees towards the armpits to the body. Relax the shoulders and let the coccyx strive to the ground. Find the level of intensity that makes you feel good.

duration: at least ten deep breaths.

Breathing: Breathe into the pelvis, release more and more with the exhalation.

Extra tip: Too exhausting? Lay your head on a folded blanket. And possibly use feet by strap or towel.

shoulder bridge

That's how it's done: In supine position, put the feet hip-width close to the buttocks, the tips of the toes point straight forward. By inhaling, press the soles of the feet into the ground and lift the pelvis slowly.

Attitude: Position a yoga block or a thick book under the sacrum, completely lose body weight. Put the arms next to the body, let them wear the support.

duration: at least three minutes.

Breathing: Let the breath flow freely in this position.

Extra tip: Then lift the heels, pull out the block and place the pelvis with gentle rocking.

Lying rotation

That's how it's done: Lie supine on both knees with your arms to your chest and hold for a few breaths. With the lower back to the ground nestle, shoulders and neck loose. Then drop your arms to the sides.

Attitude: With your next exhale, lower your legs to the left at a right angle to your upper body and turn your head to the right.

duration: repeat at least ten breaths, then to the other side.

Breathing: With each inhalation, the ribs widen, with each exhalation, your shoulders sink more into the floor.

Extra tip: Place the hand, with each leg tilted, on the upper thigh to increase the stretch.

eye of a needle

That's how it's done: Tilt your legs up until your hips and knees are at right angles. Put the right foot on the left thigh. Grasp the left tibia (or the popliteal fossa) with both hands.

Attitude: With the exhalation pull the left knee to the left breast, let the right knee out to the outside. Lower back and shoulders lie relaxed on the floor.

duration: at least ten breaths, then change sides.

Breathing: Breathe deeply into the stretched hip.

Extra tip: Tilts the head back, supportively put a folded blanket under the head.

Crossed arms

That's how it's done: Lie supine hip-width in the supine position and extend the arms to the sides with inhalation. Then with the exhalation cross over the arms over the chest. Relax hands, neck and shoulder area.

Attitude: Give the body weight to the ground and perceive the backing of the ground.

Breathing: Stay in this position for ten breaths, then open the arms with inhalation and cross over with the following exhalation, also hold for ten breaths.

Extra tip: In your mind, give a "Worry Backpack" to the floor.

Wide sitting forward bend

That's how it's done: In the upright seat, stretch your legs as far as possible, push your butt backwards and place a cushion, cushion or blanket stack in front of your body. The legs are stretched out, the toes tightened.

Attitude: With the exhalation slowly bend forward from the hips with a straight back. Lay your arms and upper body on the raised surface, relax your neck and shoulders.

duration: at least two minutes.

Breathing: Watch your breathing flow, and consciously lengthen the exhalation - the inhalation is passive by itself.

Extra tip: With the help of the support, you can release your body weight - depending on how agile you can position the cushion upright or lying down.

Position of the child

That's how it's done: In the heel seat, raise the upper body and place both hands in fists in front of the lower abdomen. With the exhalation, place the upper body out of the hips on the thighs and the forehead on the floor.

Attitude: Relax the neck and breathe deeply into the abdomen.

duration: ten breaths.

Breathing: The fists make the breath intensify and at the same time massage the internal organs - with the inhalation the belly moves against the fists, with the exhalation the fists gently press against the abdominal wall.

Extra tip: If the position is uncomfortable, you can also place your arms next to the body - the hands are pointing to the feet, the backs of the hands are on the floor. Floats the butt in the air, a blanket between heels and butt provides more comfort.

Supported prevention

That's how it's done: With feet wide open, place feet one foot in front of a wall. Bend the upper body down, lean your butt against the wall. With the sit bones touching the wall, the knees are slightly bent.

Attitude: Let the weight of the arms and the loose hanging head pull you down. Hands, shoulders and neck are relaxed.

duration: one to two minutes.

Breathing: Send the deep inhalation into the back and sink deeper into the posture with each exhalation.

Extra tip: If the stretch is too intense, you may bend your legs more - this will take the pressure off.

shoulder stand

That's how it's done: Place a pillow or cushion in front of a wall, put it sideways to the wall, lean your upper body off the wall and swing your legs up against the wall.

Attitude: Lower the upper body so that the pelvis is raised. The position should be effortless - relax your legs, feet, shoulders and neck.

duration: five to ten minutes.

Breathing: Breathe deeply and slowly into the stomach. Place one hand above, the other below the navel on your stomach. Feel how the abdominal wall lifts and lowers and the breath calms down.Then place your arms sideways next to your body with palms facing up.

Extra tip: Imagine how you release the abdominal organs as you breathe.

Bedtime Yoga {Relax from Head to Toe} (May 2024).

Yoga, relaxation, breathing, relaxation, yoga, falling asleep, sleeping, gentle exercise, exhaustion