Service instead of Do It Yourself!

"Is the temperature good?" - "When should we finish this?" - "Can we do anything else for you?" I love these questions. Not because I like to order around. Often I just answer with a "No thanks" or "Everything is wonderful". But the questions alone make me feel special for a moment. They tell me: Hey, relax! There's someone who wants to do you some good, so do not adorn yourself, enjoy it.

Because yes, I enjoy being served. Why not? All day we are busy doing things ourselves. We work, wind children, throw the household, sort the finances, cook the friends. I think you can sit back and let others work for you as a reward.

Of course, I realize that my hairdresser is not massaging my head out of pure charity. And yes, actually it is much cheaper to dye your own hair, and the gel at the end you could also save. But the effect is worth every penny! I feel fresh, relaxed and beautiful like a movie star - instead of trying to scrub the splashes of color out of my bathroom tiles with my hair clenched.

Because that's the biggest advantage of good service: The people are experts. Why should I torture myself with needle and thread if my tailor has shortened the pants perfectly in ten minutes? And why organize strong men and a car when the dealer not only brings the washing machine home, but also immediately connects?

My husband, however, sees it completely different. Ask the way? No way. If someone wants to advise him in the department store, he is quickly out again. And he does not even bother to order the washing machine dealer, because he's trying to repair our old device himself. Also for bicycle brakes, toilet flushes, car heaters or telephone systems. He does not even enjoy the tinkering. As a rule, she is under many curses and often pain performed. But in the end, the man is proud - and happy to have come around for help again.

Unfortunately, this service allergy of my husband also leads to my long cherished dream, will probably never meet: a shared wellness holiday, almost the culmination of self-service, While I can imagine nothing more beautiful than being drilled, boiled, kneaded and wrapped in fragrant towels all day long, my husband almost feels the many friendly masseurs with their oily hands as a threat. Then prefer a holiday on the farm, because you can tackle the same with.

But fortunately for me, ambition also grabs him in this respect: why a spa hotel? Finally, massage oil is also available in the drugstore! And I have to say: In the meantime, he is already a real expert in terms of wellness.

Focus On Yourself And Not Others? (One of the Best Speeches Ever) ft. Eternal Explorer (July 2024).