Rub your index finger for 60 seconds and marvel at how your body reacts!

An experiment that pays off: A bit of pressure and friction on one of your fingers can have a beneficial effect on your body. At least some people in the net swear by this healing effect of the finger massage, which is based on acupressure practices.

Curious? Just try it for yourself - 60 seconds of gentle friction will provide a noticeable effect for many people.

What connections are there from the fingers?

Thumb: The thumb should lead directly to the heart and lungs and be able to influence it directly. If you feel short of breath or slightly dizzy, just try rubbing your thumb.

Index finger: Supposedly the wire to the intestines and stomach. Abdominal pain, bloating or stomach problems? Then gently massaged test your index finger. Incidentally, this should also work with the ring finger.

Middle finger: In motion sickness, a stimulation of the middle finger should work wonders. A massage supposedly relieves the acute nausea in many people after a few seconds. A technique that should work well in insomnia!

Pinkie finger: Migraine or neck pain is often due to uneven blood circulation. Massage your little finger for about a minute, until the pain slowly fades: Many pain plagued swear on this trick!

How pronounced this effect is, of course, varies from person to person. But even strong acupressure critics were later impressed by how strong the effect on their health and well-being was. Just try it yourself, and you'll see: a little finger massage can really do wonders!

Statens vegvesen - Barnekontrolløren (April 2024).

Fingertip, fingers, index fingers, acupressure, luck