Preserve breast milk: Everything you need to know

As a nurse you are irreplaceable for your baby, but also mums need it a little break and free space to recharge your batteries and relax. So that your baby does not have to do without mother's milk in her absence, you can Pump out breast milk, For this you only need one Breast pump, In the meantime, in addition to practical hand pumps, there are also compact, electric pumps that make it possible to pump breast milk almost everywhere.

There are, however, in the storage of breast milk to pay a little attention, We have summarized this once for you.

How to store breast milk

Top priority when pumping out breast milk: hygienic purity! Breast milk should always be pumped into clean, sterilized or boiled containers. The same applies, of course, for storage. For example, you can put the milk in Breastmilk bottles or special breastmilk bag bottling. The latter score especially because they are specialsave space are in the fridge.

Do you want yours? Freeze milkBoth the bags and bottles and cups should be maximum three quarters filled because the milk expands during freezing.

And do not forget: Note the pumping date! So you always know how old the milk is in the container and can use up the oldest portions first.

Keep breast milk: How long does the pumped milk last?

  • At room temperature: at room temperatures up to 21 ° C please do not store more than six to eight hours. Ruling summer room temperatures between 27 ° C and 32 ° C but only three to four hours.
  • In the refrigerator: at a temperature of about four degrees Celsius or less, it lasts three to five days
  • In the freezer: at minus 18 degrees even up to nine months

Keep thawed breast milk:

  • At room temperature: about 3 hours
  • In the fridge: unopened 24 hours, opened bag max. 12 hours

Where do I best store breastmilk?

If you want to feed the pumped milk immediately or very quickly, the milk does not necessarily have to be cooled. Pumped breast milk, on the other hand, which you do not want to use immediately, you should immediately put in the refrigerator. If you are feeding regularly pumped breast milk, it is also useful, the Keep portions in the fridgeinstead of freezing it. This is how the Heat milk faster. Because if your baby is hungry, it has to be fast.

Breast Milk Storage Guidelines | CloudMom (May 2024).

Breast milk, breastfeeding