Never again back pain!

Our back is no harm anymore than a lack of exercise, especially if, as so often, paired with bad postures. Because then a part of the musculature goes limp, and the rest is overloaded or cramped. Because of the pain, we take restraint, the muscles shorten - a vicious circle begins.

Back problems are one of the most common reasons for going to the doctorEvery second German feels his cross at least once a year. Remedy offer special training programs. Not every form of exercise is suitable for every back, but with our help you will find the right sport for your spine.

These exercises help you quickly

All day in front of the computer, endless conferences or car trips lasting for hours? With these back exercises for in between, your spine will survive these hardships.

For screen workers Stretching the neck: Stretches the lateral neck muscles Sitting on a chair, the legs form a 90-degree angle. The head is slightly inclined to the right side. Keep shoulders low, double chin. Grasp sideways under the chair with your left hand. Now move your left ear to the ceiling while holding on to the chair and pushing both shoulders low. Hold for 10 seconds, change page.

Great for the commercial break Air Karate standing: Strengthens the slack upper back muscles and relaxes cramped shoulders Standing upright, legs hip-width apart; Tense stomach and buttocks. Then stretch out both arms and hack into the air short and strong at chest height. Hold your arms high above your head and slowly return to your chest. 3 times up and down again.

Good for the office break Cat hump sitting: Stretches the tense lower back muscles Sitting on the edge of the chair, legs slightly open. Let the upper body hang down over the front, exhale with relish. The arms loosely follow gravity. Put the forehead on the left knee for 30 seconds, then on the right for as long. Let your shoulder loose and breathe calmly into the waist.

Pleasant after car rides Hugging while standing: Stretches cramped shoulder and neck muscles Standing upright, feet hip-width apart. Hug yourself so that your hands touch the shoulder blades. Round the upper back and pull the shoulders forward. Keep intense for about 20 seconds, then let it rest.

Ideal for long writing Double armpit: Loosens tense neck muscles and strengthens slack shoulder blades. Stable and upright. Pull shoulders to ears, let hang arms down, inhale. Then slowly move the shoulders as far back as possible and then down. Exhale. Repeat the movement 3 to 5 times.

Great after a long computer work The Eagle: Stretches through the bent seats shortened chest muscles and strengthens the flabby back muscles How it works: Stable and stand upright, belly and buttocks. Raise arms U-shaped (in "hands up!" Position) and slowly bring them back as far as possible. Hold tension for three breaths, then release, drop arms. Repeat movement 5 times.

Prevent back pain

If you want to prevent back problems, you have athletically free choice! Whether tennis, tae-bo or trampoline gymnastics - every form of movement does in principle also good for the back. The muscles become active, tensions are reduced, the intervertebral discs remain elastic.

Small restriction: Untrained people bring endurance sports less than invigorating exercises like Pilates or training with Flexi-Bar, Tube and Theraband. "Swimming or jogging is also great for the back, but just beginners come to their cardiovascular limit, before actually an effect on the back muscles occurs," said Dr. med. Joachim Mallwitz, orthopedist at the Hamburger Rückenzentrum.

Help with acute back pain

The lower spinal column is the bad weather corner of the human: here, the pain is in two of three back patients, because the five lumbar vertebrae carry the brunt of the upper body. The neck makes one third of the backside afflicted, the thoracic spine hardly anyone - here stabilize the ribs.

In order to loosen the pain corset, in addition to the classical strength training increasingly back concepts that rely on relaxation, flexibility or perception training. Because a healthy spine needs both: stability and flexibility.

The precise control of the movement demands even the small muscles that connect the individual vertebral arches.These sensitive holding and regulating muscles are not reached in classic weight-lifting. It makes more sense Balanced workout that also strengthens the abdomen and deep muscle layers, "Equally important are regular training incentives - minimum: twice a week," adds back prof. Mallwitz. Which sports help with acute pain:

Pilates Cult training aims to stabilize and mobilize the body, combining coordination and breathing exercises with stretching and strength training. Especially the activation of the deep, posture-relevant muscles and the precise execution of the movements are counteracted by cross-affected people. There are also special lessons if the problems focus on the neck area. Beginners are best shown in individual lessons, as they produce the necessary basic stability to support the back. More in the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde book "Pilates - Power for Body and Soul" (16,95 Euro, Diana Verlag).

yoga Special back-yoga uses asana from the Hatha-Yoga, that means predominantly statically executed postures that specifically stretch, loosen and build up the muscles along the spine. In most cases, the courses also provide invigorating exercises for the abdomen or asanas, which loosen the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle - depending on the complaints of the participants. Iyengar yoga is also proven to be suitable for back problems, with special aids for beginners facilitating the correct alignment of the body.

Fitness equipment Balanced strength training helps build a healthy muscle corset. For clearly outlined problems, such. As a shortened long back extensor or atrophied low-lying abdominal muscles, ironed targeted force workout also weak points. There are gyms for back, buttocks, abdominal and shoulder muscles. Also, the neck muscles can be specifically strengthened - especially through the training of the hood muscle, the office workers like to cause discomfort.

Motion-guided machines make it easier for beginners to do the correct job. Strength training, on the other hand, is less valuable if the back problems are due to a lack of flexibility and coordination. If there is no individual care or if the body is overtaxed, there is also a risk that the joints and intervertebral discs will hurt.

Nordic Walking Even brisk walking helps against back problems and tension in the shoulder and neck area. The asymmetric use of the arms also activates the lower back muscles. The rhythmic alternation of loading and unloading also releases muscle tension in the shoulder and neck area and loosens the cervical vertebrae. In addition, the sticks almost automatically ensure a correct posture.

Tai Chi The flowing movements of Tai Chi or Qi Gong reduce muscle tension and promote our body awareness. Furthermore, the upright posture strengthens the support muscles. While many qigong exercises are relatively easy to learn, Tai Chi also contains more sophisticated sequences of movement. Many doctors give both arts a "very good" for back problems.

Help with chronic back pain

If the ischemia persists for more than three months or occurs more than four times a year, doctors speak of chronic pain. After all, every tenth back patient falls into this category. But even then, activity is a key to recovery - especially when the pain is due to muscular problems. Sometimes, special back training can even avert impending surgeries.

However, long-standing back patients usually require a comprehensive treatment concept that includes pain therapy and psychological support. Orthopaedist Mallwitz: "The training should always be discussed with the doctor and best start under guidance in the physiotherapy or orthopedic practice."

Segmental stabilization This term describes exercises that specifically train the lower-lying muscle bundles around the lumbar spine. This ensures that the individual vertebral bodies are in the correct position and protect the intervertebral disc against incorrect loading. Specialized physiotherapists use the technique; Pilates, yoga or tai-chi also achieve this stabilization, which has been shown to be successful in low back pain. Whether the computer-controlled strength devices of the back centers, which advertise with segmental stabilization, the same effect, remains controversial.

Kiesertraining In addition to preventive training Kieser Studios also offer a "medical strengthening therapy" (MKT) against chronic back or neck pain. It is prescribed by a cooperating orthopedic surgeon whose check-up also determines the choice of equipment and exercises. At the center of the training is Kieser's spine gymnastics. Experts complain that mobility and coordination come too short.

FPZ concept This therapy program was developed by the Research and Prevention Center in Cologne. It starts with a comprehensive analysis of the entire back muscles.This "back ECG" is followed by a build-up program of special equipment that combines strength exercises with stretching, relaxation and mobility elements. As a result, according to self-promotion, every second participant is free of complaints. 92 therapy centers throughout Germany offer FPZ training.

Gyrotronic Behind the Gyrotronic Expansion System (GXS) is a patented back training. It takes place on special machines, such as a wooden bench with rotors. The devices allow three-dimensional circular and spiral movements, so that the muscles are alternately stretched, strengthened and relaxed. In addition, the rhythmic exercises free joints of movement blocks. In Germany about 120 licensed physiotherapists work with this method.

Burning Back Pain with Radio Frequency Ablation (May 2024).

Back pain, prevention, miracles, back muscles, computers, back pain, back pain, yoga, pilates, equipment fitness, gravel training, gyrotronic, segmental stabilization, FPZ concept, Nordic walking, tai chi