"More time for families!" In this federal state, the World Children's Day becomes a holiday

An extra day to play with the kids! Families throughout Germany would be happy about this new holiday. But now, first of all, the families are in Thuringia.

As, among other things, "Zeit" currently reports, did the state parliament in Thuringia decide that World Children's Day will be a holiday there on 20 September? "to create time for the families"as the government stressed.

The new holiday should "bring the respect for children as independent personalities with their own needs and rights in the focus of social attention," says the bill adopted.

"Having a good time together with loved ones"

With the introduction of a public holiday "the framework created for emotional and temporal resources, for regeneration, recreation and time together for a loved one".

The new holiday was decided in the Thuringian state parliament on Thursday by a narrow majority. The members of the coalition government of the Left, the Greens and the SPD voted for the new holiday, and the CDU and AfD opposed it.

The economy had previously opposed the government's plan? there would be a location disadvantage and a one-sided burden for the companies. The decision was preceded by a months-long, controversial debate.

World Children's Day on September 20 marks the anniversary of the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Videotipp: Family sells everything and travels around the world

Families Can Heal | The Partnership (April 2024).

Holiday, Thuringia