"Like Kermit, when you step on the back"

Dieter Bohlen and his jury colleagues Anja Lukaseder and Bär Läsker

Genius? Madness? Trash? Calculus? No matter what you think of Dieter Bohlen - the man has undoubtedly the biggest mouthpiece of German television. And for many viewers his sayings are the only reason to turn on "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" regularly.

To prepare you mentally for the candidate bashing, we have put together some quotes from past programs - to smile or to scare, depending on your taste.

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How to Do the Kermit The Frog Voice Impression! - (In 3 Simple Steps) (May 2024).

Dieter Bohlen, DSDS, dieter bohlen, dsds, germany is looking for the superstar, hammersprüche, rtl, casting show, küblböck, medlock