Late mothers: risk pregnancy?

What do Nicole Kidman, Selma Hayek, Geena Davis and Christina Plate have in common? They are more or less prominent and we know them from television. Recently they were particularly popular photo motifs not because of their new roles / programs / dresses, but because of their baby bellies. They all became mothers - and over 40.

Hollywood star Nicole Kidman (42) has been a proud mother for a year now. Her colleague Selma Hayek (43) also got her daughter two years ago. US actress Geena Davis (53) got her first child even at 47, the twins Kian and William followed five years ago.

When does it say "late mothers"?

But not only celebs decide for children beyond the 40th birthday. More and more women are so-called late-bearers. About a quarter of pregnant women in Germany today are over 35 years old. But when do you actually start as a "late mother"? From 35, from 40 or even later? It always depends on what others do. In the 60s women got their first child at the age of 23 on average, at the age of 25 in the 70s. Those who only got pregnant for the first time at the age of 30 were already considered to be late-bearers.

Today women in Germany on average at this age mother, academics still a few years later. According to the Federal Statistical Office, 62 percent of university graduates are childless until the age of 35. Demographers in particular see a clear trend towards "late motherhood" in their late thirties and early thirties. Incidentally, city women later have children as women who live in rural areas, according to the State Statistics Office of Baden-Württemberg.

The thing about fertility

Although female life expectancy has increased by about thirty years in the last century, menopause is still on its 50th birthday. And the years before that are anything but fruitful, because the bleeding becomes more irregular and thus ovulation. Which does not mean that you can no longer be pregnant over 40. But it may take a long time.

Nature has provided us with an ideal birth between 20 and 25 years. Then we are the fittest, can best endure the exertions of pregnancy and childbirth. Biologically. For nature has not thought of long training periods and men who still behave like boys.

From the age of 30, the fertility slowly decreases. From the age of 40, the probability of becoming pregnant spontaneously per cycle is still five percent. What helps against it? First of all the usual: live well, sleep enough. If you want to help, you can use urine test sticks to determine the exact time of ovulation (for example, from Clearblue, about 20 euros, pharmacy). Then the chance of getting pregnant is highest. If no regular ovulation occurs, the gynecologist can stimulate him with the help of hormones.

Risk pregnancy - is everything really so dangerous?

From the age of 35 one hears again and again the term "risk pregnancy". Sounds more dangerous than it is, and unfortunately leads astray. Because the gynecologist asks a total of 25 factors that theoretically (!) Can mean an increased risk in pregnancy (for example, family history such as high blood pressure, but also allergies, obesity, etc.). The age of over 35 is just one of them. Then the doctor decides on the basis of the catalog of factors, if the pregnancy in the passport is noted as a risk pregnancy.

The vast majority of pregnancies beyond the 35th birthday are as uncomplicated as with younger women, even though the statistical risk for some diseases and problems with age increases. "Apart from an increased risk of chromosomal disorders, there is no particular danger to be feared", says Prof. Dr. med. Eva Maria Grischke from the University Gynecological Clinic Tübingen.


The older we are, the older our eggs. Because they are already applied to women while they are still swimming around as embryos in the womb - and then not renewed. An ovum over 40 years old is like a used car: It can still be in good shape, but also have a few shortcomings. Some fertilized egg cells therefore no longer manage to settle permanently in the uterus.

In case of too big "defects" such as genetic disorders, the body starts a natural readout program: the miscarriage. From the beginning of 40, almost every third pregnancy ends in a miscarriage, until the age of 30 only every tenth. Sounds bitter, but is actually a help from nature. Because the "sorted out" embryos would not be viable.


Many women over the age of 35 are worried that their child may be disabled due to a genetic defect.The most common chromosome disorder is trisomy 21, also called Down Syndrome. The fact is: it occurs more often in older women. The risk does not increase abruptly from 35 but rather slowly. Statistically, one child in 350 is affected by a 350-year-old mother, one in 100 in the 40-year-olds and one in 14 in the 44-year-olds. In other words, almost 93 percent of the children are healthy even at this age ,

A definite diagnosis during pregnancy only provides so-called invasive (internal) procedures such as the amniotic fluid examination. But there is also the danger that a miscarriage can be triggered. In addition, the result does not say anything about the degree of disability. Some children are born with severe heart defects, others are barely noticeable and can lead a more or less normal life.

Many gynecologists and prenatal diagnostics counselors advise pregnant women to ask themselves before the examinations if they could live with a disabled child. Who does not want to take that, should use the prenatal diagnosis.

gestational diabetes

In women over 35, pregnancy-related diabetes - which has nothing to do with adult-onset diabetes - is statistically more common. During pregnancy, the body needs two to three times as much of the body's own hormone insulin as usual to keep the blood sugar level under control. Since insulin is weaker in pregnancy, the pancreas now has to produce more of it. About ten percent of the pregnant women can not provide this additional need themselves.

The blood sugar level is therefore increased abnormally. But many do not notice. First indications are constant thirst and frequent fungal infections in the vagina. Every pregnant woman should therefore make a diabetes blood test at the gynecologist after the 20th week (costs about 25 euros, is unfortunately not taken over by many funds). Before that, the body can compensate itself for the increased demand for insulin quite well. The urine tests from the check-ups are not enough to determine a gestational diabetes. After birth, the metabolism regulates almost automatically.

high blood pressure

Values ​​above 140/90 mmHG are conspicuous and indicate a pregnancy-related hypertension. The affected women usually do not feel it at all, but he is noticed by the regular measuring at the check-ups. Protein in the urine and water retention on the face and hands are further warning signs. Swollen feet are normal in the last third of pregnancy.

How to prevent: Often there is a lack of nutrients behind the high pressure. Eat well, eat plenty of cooked fruits and vegetables. Prefer rice, reduce potatoes. Stress can also raise blood pressure. Do not accept new projects in the job. Also, the apartment does not have to be renovated and perfectly equipped when the baby comes. "Even before planning a pregnancy, a high pressure should be clarified internally and possibly treated with medication," advises Prof. Dr. med. Grischke.

Natural birth - or cesarean section?

Clearly - the safest birth method for the child is the cesarean section. "Not infrequently, the late wish child has a very special status for the pregnant woman, so that one decides for the most gentle form of childbirth for the child and thus the caesarean section," says Prof. Dr. med. Grischke.

For the mother, however, a caesarean section is associated with higher risks - no matter how old she is. Because it is a major surgery with possible complications such as inflammation, injuries of the ureters and problems with breastfeeding or other pregnancies. Anyone who is healthy and experiences an uncomplicated pregnancy can safely go into natural childbirth.

Why late mothers are also at an advantage

"More mature mothers often go into pregnancy more consciously and care intensively for their body and the unborn child", Prof. Dr. med. Grischke noted. They abstain from smoking at an early age, eat healthily and perform all preventive medical check-ups.

Also financially, many do not have to worry: they have earned good in the past, achieved a lot in the job and get in the first year at least up to 1800 euros parental allowance per month. They know that they can do a lot and have already achieved a lot. Why not be a good mother and enjoy a new life with a child? For one thing brings the age in each case with it: self-assurance and serenity.

Pregnancy and Diabetes (May 2024).

Pregnancy, Nicole Kidman, Geena Davis, Germany, Hollywood, Baden-Wuerttemberg, pharmacy, late mother, pregnancy, 40 years, high-risk pregnancy, miscarriage, fertility, menopause