Knit bobble hat - instructions for beginners

Difficulty: light

Time spent: about 2 to 3 hours

Instructions for a bobble hat in sizes S / M / L / XL

Material: 200g bottle green Fb 0018 "Andina" (100% baby alpaca, LL 50 m / 100 g) by Lang Yarns, a short round knitting needle no. 10 (if you knit loosely) or no. 12 (if you knit tight).

Note: It is possible that the given wool can not be bought anymore. In this case, you are looking for a similar quality. Please note the specified run length and do a stitch test!

Rib pattern (RM): 2 sts right, 1 sts left alternating.

Knitting tension: 7 sts x 12 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Manual: Cast on 24/27/30/33 sts, turn to the round and knit in the RM. 26 cm from the stop pull all sts together (always pull the second st on the left needle over the first st). Make a loosely wrapped pompom with a diameter of about 9 cm and attach to the top.

Video Recommendation:

How to Knit a Hat for Complete Beginners (May 2024).

Knitting Patterns, Knitting Pattern, Rib, Lang Yarn, Knitting, Pattern, Knitting Pattern, Make Yourself, Hat, Wool, Bommel