Knit blue-gray hat - a guide

Instructions for a blue-gray hat in sizes S / M / L / XL

Difficulty: light

Time spent: about 2 to 3 hours

Material: 50 g Dark Blue Fb 0025 "Mia" (80% Alpaca Wool, 20% Acrylic, LL 125 m / 50 g), 50 g Gray Fb 0024? Odeon? (42% mohair, 38% acrylic, 20% polyamide, LL 160 m / 50 g) from Lang Yarns. 1 short round knitting needle No. 10 (if you knit loosely) or 12 (if you knit it is important that you come to the information in the stitch). 1 crochet hook No. 6 or 7.

Note: It is possible that the given wool can not be bought anymore. In this case, you are looking for a similar quality. Please note the specified run length and do a stitch test!

Attention: The cap is knitted with double thread - one thread each dark blue and gray.

Smooth right (GR): Knit right through sts.

Knitting tension: 7.5 M x 10 R = 10 x 10 cm.

Manual: Cast on 32/34/36/38 M loosely, close to the round and knit in the GR. Bind off all sts 28 cm from the stop. Turn the cap to the left and sew on the upper edge, slightly chamfer the corners on both sides. Crochet one round sts along hem edge.

Trilby, Homburg, & Pork Pie Hat Guide (May 2024).

Hat, knitting pattern, pattern, long yarn, knit, pattern, knitting pattern, make yourself, blue-gray, cap