Johannes Haller: "The behavior of Chethrin is simply calculating for me"

Shortly before the finish line it was not enough for Johannes Haller (30) to reach the final. But shortly after his departure, the "Celebrity Big Brother" candidate in an interview with the news agency spot on news honest words to Chethrin Schulze (26) and can not make friends with their behavior in the container. Especially her surprising transformation shortly before his departure considers the 30-year-old to be "calculating".

Mr. Haller, are you disappointed to be eliminated so close to the finals?

Johannes Haller: It would be a lie if I said something else. Of course, I would like to have been in the final today. But my grandma always said, "Nothing can be so bad as not being good for anything." And one day I will also realize what this experience was good for.

All of a sudden, yesterday, all the residents seemed very nice to Chethrin. Is this a new tactic?

Haller: On the one hand, I think many have suddenly realized what Chethrin has for a strong community and did not dare say anything against them. On the other hand, one has to say that Chethrin showed itself yesterday from a very different side than the days before. Suddenly she was helpful, sweet and understanding, and suddenly she was looking for a conversation with everyone. That was just calculating for me.

Were you jealous of Daniel Völz?

Haller: No, quite the contrary. I was glad I was not in the mansion when the party escalated. I did not know how to react. I did not want to be there, but standing alone in the corner and being the spoilsport is also weird. So I am really happy that I have been spared this situation. The next morning, it was just strangers to me.

Which candidate did you find the least clear?

Haller: I'm the least comfortable with Chethrin. She has never rinsed on any of the days, or helped in any way in the household. I think she never once had the pot in her hand. She sat in the corner all day, blaspheming a bit and shirking the tasks. That was just a pity and has worsened the mood of the team.

You understood yourself very well with Alphonso. Has this turned into a real friendship and will you meet again outside of "Big Brother"?

Haller: Between me and Alphonso, the foundation was laid for a good friendship. Alphonso was for me the central person in the house. No matter how gray the site was, he made her colorful with his good mood. He was the strong shoulder when someone was feeling sick. Thanks to him, I have been able to laugh so warmly. He was like a best friend to me, even though we are almost 26 years apart.

Before the show, they said they wanted to show a different side, not only witty and charming, but also profound and a good friend. In your opinion, have you succeeded?

Haller: I only had very little insight into how the program arrived today, but I believe that the picture I was able to convey was justifiable. I just wanted to be the person who can show that it's important to tackle and to count on teamwork and harmony. Even if it might not have arrived with the audience, at least everyone in the container knows that I'm that person.

They have often kept out of bickering between the other residents. Did you already go into the house with this intent?

Haller: I am a person who says his opinion and who also takes the floor when it gets hurt in disputes. But sometimes there were discussions among the girls, which led to no result and then I hold myself out. Otherwise you only sprinkle salt into the wound and in the end you turn a mosquito into an elephant. If you ask, you have to say your opinion, of course.

Who is winning in your opinion?

Haller: I would like Alphonso to win. He was really strong for everyone in the house. Without Alphonso it would have been much harder for many residents, because he was the mood maker for everyone and took time to respond to the people. But I could also imagine the Silvia as the winner. She is not one who buys expensive handbags tomorrow, but she would invest the money wisely and do good.

Prof. Johannes Fritz: Modern Architecture meets Baroque (May 2024).

Johannes Haller, Celebrity Big Brother, Chethrin Schulze, Alphonso Williams