Job choice: "How do I get rid of my mother's beliefs?"

Katrin Wilkens (45) studied rhetoric and worked as a trainer in further education. Since 2000 she writes as a freelance journalist and others. for mirror, time, FA and Nido. What she is really good at: portraying important and less important personalities, that they howl with happiness. Or with anger. Combine. To put things in a nutshell. To look into people. Discover special features. With her agency "" (which is Japanese and means "change", "journey"), the mother of three advises women on their return - and promises: "In the end you have one answer: the tailor-made job."

© private reader Lisa S. asks, "My mother has always preached safety to me, how do I get rid of this inner corset?"

"I've been working in the same company for 15 years as I did my apprenticeship back then, when my mother was the mainspring, who also learned freight forwarding and always preached to me: 'Do something crisis-proof, then you will not have the job on your worries list! '

Now I'm 36, have two children (again: the safe version!), A man and a front yard. But I dream of completely breaking out again. But whenever I think of a trace of extravagance, my mother pats up in my brain like a puppet doll: "Do something safe !?

How can I free myself from these chains? "

Lisa S.

Dear Lisa S.,

So you kind of remind me of the good old Juliane Werding, who in the 80s? Yearning is incurable? Sang - in the song she lyrically praised the liberating woman from all constraints.

But the question of the beliefs - that's what you call the values ​​that you have absorbed with breast milk - is not so easy to answer. Ask yourself: Do I feel freed when I do something crazy? or rather baseless?

Does a temporary exit from the mill help you, perhaps with a sabbatical or a longer training, for example as a traffic specialist, because you recommend yourself to the next level of management and will automatically be assigned completely different tasks to you?

Or do you think that you need the complete career break to feel even unreasonable, so alive?

Unreasonable things can also be done if you keep a safe corset: Travel haphazardly, arrange blind dates, read books you would never have bought, but have been recommended.

If that is not enough, you can live out this Juliane-Werding feeling in a very small additional income. There is a woman here in Hamburg who embroidered Christmas balls in her free time. Once a year she sells her in select boutiques and DIY stores. The money she takes in the balls is the vacation fund for next year. So she always knows: If I take a lot, it gets farther and more luxurious, I take little, but my livelihood is still not endangered.

I'm not saying that you should beautify Christmas tree balls. But to go in search of a paid hobby helps to keep the belief? Take something safe? with the assumption? I'm only alive when I do something crazy? to reconcile.

It is easier to find and honor the positive side of a belief than to go in search of something completely alien to nature, contrary to its biography, sentiment and inner Bible? Sooner or later, you will fail because it does not suit you.

For your comfort: It is not always the crazy ones who are satisfied.

Katrin Wilkens,

Further information about the re-entry after the baby break under

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Tony Robbins: Feeling Lost? How to Find Yourself Again ( Tony Robbins Passion ) (May 2024).