Is Daljinder Kaur (72) the oldest mum in the world?

How old she is exactly, she does not know, Daljinder has no birth certificate. She suspects she could be between 70 and 72 years old. Anyway, she's been married to Mohinder for almost half a century, but she did not want to be kidding all the time.

More than two years ago, the couple from the North Indian metropolis Amritsar saw the television advertising of a fertility clinic, which was aimed specifically at older couples. The two tried their luck. On the third attempt artificial insemination was possible with egg donation and Daljinder became pregnant.

God has answered our prayers?

Finally, the Indian brought the little Arman by caesarean section to the world. The little one is a bit underweight, but healthy and well.

"God has answered our prayers," Daljinder told Agence France-Presse. "I'll take care of the baby all by myself. I am full of energy. My husband also cares a lot and helps me out as best he can. Amar's father is celebrating his 80th birthday soon. In a NDR contribution, the newly born mother is also seen breastfeeding.

The adopted son never returned home

In the 1980s, the couple had already adopted a boy according to the Guardian. But he moved to study in the US and never came back. The possibility of adopting another child ended decades ago: Indian laws allow adoptions only for parents under the age of 45.

And what if the parents die before the boy is big? Father does not worry about that: "I have full faith in God," he said. God is omnipotent and omnipresent, he will take care of everything. Also, Daljinder and Mohinder say they have relatives who want to take care of Arman should it become necessary.

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Maternal love, pregnancy