Ingo Zamperoni

Dear ChroniquesDuVasteMonde, why do men's magazines always have women on the front page, women magazines but never men?

Dear Ingo Zamperoni, The rumor, men would buy the "Playboy" also because of the great researched reports and funny interviews, persists stubbornly. The fact is: Who buys the "Playboy" wants to see beautiful women, as naked as possible. But it also bought men's magazines, which is all about fitness. They often show men on the cover. In both cases, the male buyer acts on a similar reflex: he thinks "I want to have it!" and attacks - regardless of whether he means Pamela Anderson or impressive abdominal muscles. Women, on the other hand, buy a magazine because they want inspiration, compare and find inspiration. "I understand you, let me be your friend, I may be nicer, thinner, and better dressed than you, but I'll show you how you can become!" Shouts the title girl to potential buyers. 31 years ago there was a man on a ChroniquesDuVasteMonde title. He had previously been voted the most beautiful guy in Germany by the readers. If the sales figures in this issue had encouraged more people to cover the cover more often, we would have loved to do it. But women are not impressed by a beautiful man's facade alone, other things are just as important: charm, intelligence, wit, and even late at night. For that we like to sit in the evening for a bit longer in front of the telly - you understand? Your ChroniquesDuVasteMonde

Ingo Zamperoni und die Tagesthemen-Panne | Verstehen Sie Spaß? (May 2024).

Ingo Zamperoni, Caren Miosga, daily topics, ARD, surname, type-consulting, ingo zamperoni, television journalist