"I did not want to be fooled by the fashion industry!"

BARBARA: Did not you really buy any new clothes for the whole year?

Anna Schunck: Yes, I did not actually buy new clothes for a year. I was also a little scared that I would not be able to do that, so I created a lifeline for myself: I would have allowed new underpants and second-hand clothes in an emergency.

How did you come to your experiment?

This is mainly due to our blog Viertel / Vor, which deals with sustainability. Fashion is the second dirtiest industry in the world, because just a lot of clothes are produced. Much of this is also called fast fashion for big chains, which is designed to last and not be used for long. In addition, cotton production often uses endless amounts of water, and the people who make and sell clothing often do so under extremely unfair conditions. I did not want to support everything anymore. But that was not even the main reason ...


I did not want to be fooled by the fashion industry anymore. It keeps telling us that we have to have some things that we do not need at all, and we propagate new trends every four weeks we should buy. I wanted to see how far I can get rid of it.

How did that work?

That worked a lot better than I thought. I have really bought a lot of clothes in my life, often quite cheap. I've gone through trends that I did not even know if they suited me. In hindsight, I have to say that I have realized that I already have everything I need. The experiment was over after a year? and I did not even notice. I stood in front of a shop window and found a cap nice when my friend asked me if my year was not already over. By that time, I had not bought anything for fourteen months. By the way, then not the cap! (she laughs)

"It's much more fun to see what you have than to think about what you need"

Could you change over quickly?

I started in June, it was very good. I did not miss anything. In autumn I had a break-in, it was cold, the light has changed. I felt like something new. I just wanted to do a shopping trip. I imagined myself strolling through the city and buying different coats and gloves. I did not do that in the past, but mostly online. At that moment, I had to pull myself together to not even look at what you would buy right now.

Did not you look at what is currently "in"?

No, I tried to hide that. But of course you still get something with it, which is announced. I was always interested in clothes. I still do not care what I look like, I do not want to totally run out of time.

Did that work with the "old" clothes?

Total. There are very simple codes to look fashionable. It's about how to roll up your jeans, you do not need new pants for that. In the time of my experiment, the trend of denim cutting came. But I did not do that because it was clear that in half a year the pants had to be ten centimeters longer. That's why I've carded them so I can make them longer if I want. That has been fine? and felt like a small, personal protest against the advertising and fashion industry.

Did the experiment change you?

Yes, he has made me more aware. For the bad conditions under which most garments are made? and for the overconsumption that many in our society simply take for granted. And it has taken a stressor out of my life. I did not have to worry so much about what to wear for a wedding, for example. I just took an old dress and watched, which fits in with my other things. Findings: It's much more fun to see what you already have than to think about what you need. I found my style, it is relatively simple. Pants and blouse or jeans and T-shirt are enough for me.

Was that different in the old days?

Yes, sometimes I thought that maybe I should try something new. Then I bought something I never put on because it did not suit me. You do not have to buy everything again. I always find it a good way to look for things in the second-hand shop or to borrow for example in the clothing. There are already a lot of crazy clothes that have already been produced and are very beautiful.

Was there anything else you wished for during the experiment?

I had a cardigan from my friends and a scarf from my mother for my birthday. Because that's when I thought I needed it because it was getting colder. But I was especially happy about that. Overall, my wardrobe has been totally minimized.I have much less stuff. I have to moth less in winter and summer. I think that's pretty relaxed.

© Anna Schunk / Private

Anna Schunck, born in 1981, writes as a freelance journalist for magazines such as Emotion, Gala and Maxi. Since April 2016, she has been blogging on topics such as green lifestyle, nature and sustainability at quarter-vor.com. She lives with her boyfriend, five sheep and a cat in Brandenburg.


Photo: Marcus Werner

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