"Hello, here I am!" Why spontaneity makes you happy

The other day I got a message from a friend who wrote, "Are you home, and then I'll come for a coffee in ten minutes." I was home, I just had time (at least if I let the dirty laundry just dirty laundry.) What did I do? and we have a very nice and funny hour at our kitchen table. And I noticed that I wanted to have more of those beautiful, spontaneous hours in my very well organized, fully timed, totally planned life.

In the past, we simply rang the bell

Previously, we just rang the neighbors somewhere and asked if Thomas, Tanja or Sandra would come out to play. I often wonder if this phenomenon still exists today. Everyone is always scheduled, having organized everything weeks before. Me too, by the way. Until I realized that this somehow insanely insane me. It is often the case that you sometimes have a sushi meal with friends planned on Thursday in two weeks, but just this Thursday has zero buck for raw fish. I wondered why I did not just do something more often that I was in right now.

That's why I started an experiment. From now on I just did something every day that I spontaneously wanted. These were very small things in the beginning. Once I took a detour by bike, which I did not even know and bought myself a very delicious nut corner from a baker that I had never seen before. Sounds banal? It was, I know. But it made me very happy at the moment.

I invited my best friends

Of course, I realized that this could not be the measure of all things. That's why I became more courageous. I spontaneously asked people if they wanted to have a beer with me in 20 minutes. I signed up for a 10km run because it just seemed tempting. In the evening I drove with the children to the burger restaurant and called my husband, that he should just come there. Just because we all had against 18:13 clock found that we would like to eat chips. I booked tickets for a train ride to my parents next week (that's spontaneous for me!) Because I missed them. One afternoon, on an impulse, I invited my best friends. Although not for an appointment directly on this evening (you have to be realistic, too), but in the moment when the thought came to me. I did a handstand and rolled down a hill. Finally, I booked sometime, as the bad weather in Germany frustrated me at 11 pm a holiday in the south, without thinking much about it. It was wonderful. Only the price I found the next day when I covered my spontaneous action again, not so funny. But that did not matter.

I wanted more of it!

All that made me very, very satisfied. Not in three weeks, but at the exact moment I did it. I wanted more of it! What else could I do? I could jump into a lake naked, eat two pizzas at once or drive to the trampoline park. Now. Immediately. Satisfaction can not be planned. Did not my grandfather always want to go on a world tour after the pension and then died shortly before?

I'm definitely trying? within my means? to be megaspontan from now on. I try to ring the bell with friends, just call my family or spontaneously send a message to an old friend. As if I were 12 years old and not 42. For me the most beautiful thing about spontaneity is still the encounters that result from it. And the holidays, of course. For both, you have to use the time when it's there. Who knows what's going on in seven weeks? Or in seven months? Not me. Now I do not feel like thinking about it, but spontaneously wanting to finish this text and have a cup of coffee. And since I believe that spontaneity makes you happy, I'd rather get one right away.

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