Getting pregnant after the pill

How does birth control pills affect fertility

It is the most popular contraceptive in Germany: About half of the women between 20 and 44 years old take the dailyBirth control pills, Properly taken, the hormone preparation has a Pearl index of 0.1. To 99.9 percent and is it for many with it the safest contraceptionto prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

Nevertheless takes the pill into your hormone balance and thus into your cycle, and makes sure that no ovulation takes place. As a result, of course, no single cell can be fertilized.

Now you put the pill off if you want to have childrenIn order to get pregnant, yours must be Regulate hormone balance once again, While there are women who have little problem with getting pregnant after pill and perceive only minor changes, others suffer menstrual disorders of all kinds - and that's quite normal: after all, you may have taken the pill for years before. Your body will be open for now Hormone withdrawal set.

Getting pregnant after pill: how long does it take?

As soon as you stop taking the pill, also the contraception goes out. That means you can theoretically get pregnant right away. If you want to wait a while, you should definitely prevent it from happening.

According to a study by the NRP research project, around 50% of women did not notice any irregularities in their cycle after stopping the pill. But half of all women feel the difference clearly. Possible consequences can be:

  • Yours Cycles are too short, There is no ovulation or the egg can not nest in the second half of the cycle, the luteal phase
  • Yours Cycles are very long or irregular
  • Yours Period may even be completely over

If you have the pill discontinued, you should expect it at least It takes a month for your natural hormone balance to return It may take longer for some women. By the time the hormones have completely dissipated, it takes about six weeks. As your body reacts to the hormone changeUnfortunately nobody can predict. In some women, the long-term use of the pill has no lasting impact on fertility and they quickly become pregnant, while others take pregnant after pill longer.

TIP: With the symptothermal method NFP With a little practice, you can quickly see how your body reacts to stopping the pill, whether it is ovulating and when. For this, symptoms such as your basal body temperature and cervical mucus are observed. These observations increase your chances of getting pregnant faster after the pill. Other resources: ovulation tests, cycle apps and cycle computers.

Pill prefer to sell early?

To make sure that your body becomes pregnant after pillhas enough time to regenerate, it is recommended to stop taking the pill half a year before you go into family planning. Nobody can predict How do you feel after stopping the hormones? and what that does to your cycle. If you stop taking the pill on time, give it to yours Body enough time to regroup, If possible, use another means of contraception during this time.

Getting pregnant after pill: If you do not want to wait

Once the decision for a baby has been made, many couples no longer want to wait with their family planning. Before you get yours opened pill package but now throwing it in the trash in a high arc, it is recommended to complete the current month with pill, Otherwise, a can precipitous withdrawal your body additionally confuse and annoying bleeding have as a consequence. After the demolition bleed you can start then.

TIP: That you play it safe If you want to have children, you should fill up your folic acid storage in the Hibbelzeit. Because if you take folic acid about three months before you start a pregnancy, you lower it Risk of serious damage in the form of neural tube defects and an open back in your baby.

Videotipp: How hard is it to get pregnant after the pill?

Pregnancy After The Pill | Your Questions Answered (May 2024).

Pregnant, family planning, ovulation