Five of the coins? your tarot card

"Five of the coins": What does this card mean?

Short and sweet
Crisis, deprivation, limitation, discomfort, poverty, isolation, resignation

Hold on! You will not feel so poor and marginalized forever, but will soon find a way into the bright and warm again!

"Five of the coins": What does the tarot card show?

It is snowing heavily on the tarot card. Two people are trudging through the snow: a thin, ragged woman walks barefoot through the freezing cold. Next to her, a smaller man limps on crutches. In addition, he also wears a head bandage, so he seems to be injured. The small bell on his neck certifies him an additional suffering: In the Middle Ages, people with infectious diseases, such as leprosy patients, had to carry such bells, so that the healthy were warned of the risk of infection. A real picture of the jammer so! So unbearable that the two beggars can not bear to see each other? They go side by side, but do not look at each other. The man looks reproachfully at the viewer of the map.

They pass under a warmly lit stained-glass window, the glass of which is decorated with five circular pentacles, the symbols of the Tarot series of coins. A church ? after all, this should be a place of charity and compassion for the Christian ideals of faith, in which the two battered people could find refuge and maybe even get a warm soup? However, they seem to ignore this possibility at all. They pass by without looking for the entrance. Maybe they've been turned away too often when they knock on a door?

But maybe they do not want to change their situation for the better, because they have settled into it and that gives them a sad security? Then at least they are partly to blame for their suffering.

So this map offers two alternatives: either you face a problematic situation fatefully, until it is over at some point like the snow in the winter; or you override your false pride and clinging to old life patterns and ask someone for help.

As a day ticket: If the tarot picture "Five of the coins" stands for you

A rather barren day is in the house. Maybe a short-term financial bottleneck is bothering you? Maybe you also feel that your friends or colleagues do not give you much appreciation, treat you cold and unfriendly? Only a certain fatefulness helps; such black days belong to life? the good thing is that they are usually already over the next morning! Because the tarot card shows only a short-term mood phase, but no steady state.

As a Love Red: If the Tarot card "Five of the Coins" stands for your partner or your relationship

At the moment it is rather shady in the love paradise. You have already experienced happier times together! But now is a dry spell on the program. He closes himself, you shut up, one blames the other for his frustration and withdraws. Try to break the vicious cycle of blame! An unexpected gift or a sweet word can light up the light of your love again.

"Five of the coins": assignments of the card

In Tarot: Small Arcana, Number Cards

Further names of the card: V of the Pentakel / V of Pentacles (Rider Waite Tarot)? 5 Slices, Torment / 5 of Disks, Worry (Aleister-Crowley-Tarot)

Element / Astrology: Earth? Mercury in the bull

Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (May 2024).

Coin, tarot card, day ticket, love-red, crisis