Finally: This country prohibits the slaughter of dogs

There are things that we celebrate as great progress - they should be self-evident. That women in Saudi Arabia are allowed to drive now, for example. Or now that the slaughter of dogs in South Korea is banned.

Judgment mainly owed to young people

The judgment was now before a regional court, stating that dogs are no longer allowed to be bred and slaughtered for the purpose of eating them. Background: Although up to one million dogs are eaten in South Korea today - but there is just a generational change: Young South Koreans prefer dogs rather than pets - cuddling instead of cooking!

The law does not prohibit the consumption of dog meat, but experts assume that this can only be a matter of time.

Dreadful tradition continues in China

Meanwhile, China once again celebrates the terrible Yulin Festival, where thousands of dogs are painfully killed and devoured every year. Protests from all over the world have been fighting against this "festival" for many years - so far without result. It remains to hope that the current judgment from South Korea will get a ball rolling?

All together say "Nobody touch the Dog" - stop the slaughter of Dogs in China (May 2024).

South Korea, animal rights activists, Saudi Arabia, China