Everywhere 35 degree monster. Why we mutate into egomaniacs in the heat

On TV, heat always looks so beautiful. When the Raffaello woman with her white robe bites into the crunchy praline and lolls in the sun ... hach, that's nice to look at. So in December. In real heat is unfortunately totally different. It starts with the smell of people. And that makes her so sloppy. But the worst part is that it transforms our entire species into monsters. Really now.

Heat makes you aggressive

Nobody needs to tell us that too much heat does not do us any good with our character. You notice at the latest, if only one chilled bottle of coke in the supermarket refrigerator and three hands grab it at the same time. But is not it nice when science gives you a right? In several studies, a measurable correlation between the ambient temperature and aggressiveness could be proven. The hotter the environment, the more heated the minds become. Even crime increases on hot days. Surprise? Well ...

In heat, people are less helpful

Another study found that helpfulness also decreases at high temperatures. Due to the tense temperature compensation, the body transforms into an efficiency mode that reveals the Trump in us: first, then nothing for a long time, then me again and you're done. Add to that the restless sleep that makes many people moody. At 35 degrees and more, that gets pretty funny with social life.

But 37 degrees is body temperature

Actually, one might think that the body is totally happy with 37 degrees. If he does not have to do anything, just follow the same flame. But it's not that easy, since our body needs to get rid of energy heat. 28 degrees would be optimal? at least if we were naked and would do absolutely nothing. But since we are usually neither naked nor idle, let alone both at once, even 28 degrees are quite exhausting for us.

So do not argue today

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So, if you're aggresive today, you might want to wait until it gets cooler, rather than breaking an unnecessary argument. It is probably only half as bad at 20 degrees.

Alternatively, one could of course also lay naked on the ground and do nothing. Except in the office, the boss might be sensitive. Because of the temperatures. That's so hot. You know ... completely overkill.

Vicious Vices (May 2024).

Heat period, midsummer, summer mood