Do sweeteners promote the risk of stroke?

Those who do not want to do without soft drinks often prefer the light versions of soda or coke. The reason: These diet versions contain sweeteners instead of sugars, which can prove to have a negative impact on our health. However, as a study published in the journal Stroke shows, sweeteners such as aspartame and Co. are not necessarily healthier than sugar.

Sweeteners increase the risk of strokes

As the physicians from Boston have found out, there is a statistical correlation between the consumption of sweeteners and an increased risk of stroke. The data of 3,000 people were collected and evaluated over a ten-year period (from 1991 to 2001). 97 people suffered a stroke during this time. Researchers noticed that people who consumed more than three sweetener drinks per week had a three times higher risk of stroke. Whether these light versions of the soft drinks are the reason, but must show a next study.

The connection between the consumption of diet drinks and an increased risk of stroke and diabetes had recently been determined by the American Heart Association. Although they could prove no cause-and-effect principle, but a clear (also statistical) correlation of sweeteners and diseases.

Does Diet Soda Increase Stroke Risk as Much as Regular Soda? (May 2024).

Sweetener, soda, stroke, sugar