"Do not be ashamed": Rose McGowan speaks openly about her abortion

She speaks openly about her abortion and wants to encourage other women to stand up to their abortions. On Twitter writes the actress Rose McGowan (45), known among other things as one of the witches from the series "Charmed":

"I had an abortion and support this message, I'm not ashamed, and you should not do it. [?] My body, my choice, my life, did you have to make a decision? Let's talk and the hashtag #Everyone's abortion (English #HonestAbortion) use. "

I have had an abortion and I support this message. I am ashamed, nor should you be. That 60% of those who abortions are already mothers say they are a lot- they understand more than anyone. I was on birth control and it failed. I realized I could not bring a child- //t.co/1htbtTROcU

? rose mcgowan (@rosemcgowan) March 1, 2019

With her tweets, the actress responds to a recent published abortion statistics. Rose McGowan reports openly that although she had used contraception, contraception had failed. At that time, she had not felt ready for a child and had not taken the decision to terminate her pregnancy frivolously. She does not regret her decision to abort.

into my world and simultaneously change the world. I do not regret my decision and it was not made lightly. If you do not want to abortion, don? T get one. My body, my choice, my life. Have you had to make a choice? Let's talk and use hashtag #HonestAbortion

? rose mcgowan (@rosemcgowan) March 1, 2019

Many women feel encouraged by Rose McGowan's remarks and describe their experiences with abortions in other tweets under #HonestAbortion. A woman writes:

"I was 16, was raped and it took me many years to get along with it, today is 34 and it still hurts, I do not regret my decision, but it will always affect me."

Another writes:

I had an abortion very early, I was 17. Also, I have never regretted. Today I have two children that I got when I was ready for it. With 17? No way.

But there are also completely different voices. For example, a woman writes in response to Rose McGowan:

They certainly have not changed the world, but destroyed another's chances of doing so. The sad part is that they have missed the chance to rock someone's world and feel what true love feels like. You made a grave out of your stomach and why should you advocate #hard harvesting to feel better when others say it the same way?

Some women also report how illnesses have forced them to stop a pregnancy. A young woman writes:

I took the pill then, it failed. I wanted the baby, but then I was told that I had cancer. I had ulcers in my stomach and a cyst on my ovary, both grew. I had to make a decision, the hardest decision of my life. Had I decided otherwise, I would not be here today.

Of course there is also strong criticism for the tweets for the day #HonestAbortion. For example, a Twitter user writes:

I find it terrible that people tweet to this day as if that was a good thing. Do you know what abortion really means? You end a life. You commit murder. That's not something to be proud of.

In any case, all the descriptions make it clear once again how many women around the world have already had experiences with abortions and how different each path of the decision was and is.

So how many women in a situation like these on Twitter can help make a decision? or to deal differently with their decision.

For Rose McGowan, this is not the first time that she has created a platform for sharing with those who have courageous comments on a sensitive issue. As early as 2017, Rose McGowan was one of the loudest voices in the #Metoo debate with her testimony against American TV producer Harvey Weinstein (66).

Skins (UK TV series) (May 2024).

Abortion, Rose Mcgowan, Twitter