Distinctive: Rare first names for girls

Even if names like Mia and Emma continue to be popular: The trend is going to rare names for girls. And so many parents are looking for imaginative variants for their little ones. Some are created by others, others come from mythology or series and books.

The website www.beliebt-vornamen.de called on their users to send unusual girl names. We have selected 30 names that we introduce to you. What is noticeable is that many rare names sound very melodic or variants of popular first names. In addition, short names are very popular, as well as the top 10 baby names 2015.

Incidentally, it was not checked whether the names are allowed in Germany. Unfortunately we do not know if the parents could register the rare names for their girls.

  1. Fritza
  2. Maryam
  3. Romney
  4. Kayla
  5. juline
  6. Galadriel
  7. Birla
  8. Catlyn
  9. Sanya
  10. Olena
  11. Chancy
  12. Balbina
  13. Urte
  14. Keike
  15. Elfrun
  16. Ziria
  17. Venice
  18. Eija
  19. Nima
  20. Vinnie
  21. Margaux
  22. Fili
  23. Yara
  24. Milda
  25. lari
  26. Zarina
  27. juditha
  28. Halrun
  29. julene
  30. Stina

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Rare Baby Names You'll Fall In Love With (May 2024).

First name, baby names, rare names, babies, girls