Bullying in the workplace: help, what to do?

Bullying in the workplace: Definition of bullying

Bullying is a term originating from English, which means as much as "get someone ready? or "Mob? means. To be able to speak of bullying, the following two criteria must be met:

  1. systematic: The behavior of supervisors and / or colleagues is deliberate and purposeful. It is not an accidental act.
  2. Repeated: Bullying is not a retail activity, but a situation lasting several weeks or even months, in which targeted harassment is carried out.

Bullying in the workplace: How does bullying express itself?

We probably all know stress at work. And sometimes the sound gets louder or the tasks become overwhelming. But that's why it's not immediately about bullying. Conflicts and disagreements are human and occur in all areas of life from time to time.

Bullying occurs especially when in a company Work processes badly organized and people have to work together in a small space.

Among other things, the following mobbing actions may be present:

  • Employee is deliberately excluded by colleagues
  • The boss regularly exposes someone to others and gets loud
  • Colleagues spread lies and rumors that hurt the reputation
  • The work is manipulated and made more difficult
  • Information is not passed on to harm the colleague
  • Colleagues threaten or even commit violence
  • Employees are deliberately over- or under-challenged with tasks, so that the work represents an imposition

Bullying in the workplace: The 4 phases of bullying

The Union "Ver.di" describes the four typical phases of bullying. Fortunately, bullying often ends up quickly, so not all phases come to fruition. It is in at least 50 percent of the cases a superior involved in mobbing and Women are affected much more often as men.

  1. It arises conflictfrom which the first personal attacks (criticism, chicane, etc.) result.
  2. The Attacks are piling upso that one can speak of targeted mobbing. The victim is very insecure.
  3. The bullied person is now so depressed that she can no longer fully comply with the work. That leads to further Stress with the employer and supervisors. Even a notice is in the room.
  4. The bullied person can no longer do the work and quit or take one himself termination from the employer.

Bullying in the workplace: effects of bullying

  • a headache
  • eating disorder
  • stomach ulcers
  • depression
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • incapacity for work 

The economic damage is estimated at 15 to 25 billion euros.

Bullying in the workplace: Possible causes of bullying

  • Envy for good performances
  • Criticism due to poor performance
  • Envy for good relationship with the boss
  • Personal behavior does not work well in the team
  • According to studies, persons perceived as ugly are bullied more often than attractive colleagues

Bullying in the workplace: identifying and analyzing bullying

Many people who suffer from bullying activities, fall into a kind shock and Awe and passively endure the harassment in the hope that the conflict will soon be banned. But that is rarely the case!

First, you should have yours Analyze situation exactly and ask you what the trigger of the attacks might be and if you can change the circumstances yourself. That does not mean that you should blame yourself, but active for solutions looking.

Maybe you are so close to the boss, for example, that yours is Colleagues become jealous and let you feel their anger. In that case, you might consider working the relationship with your supervisor more professionally.

Bullying in the workplace: addressing conflict in the company

In the next step you can go to the direct Contact with the causer go and confront him in a four-eye conversation. Often such a confrontation leads to a reversal of mobbing actions. It can also help employees who are not among the affected persons as Inaugurate bystanders and search for solutions together.

For help in the company is the Works council as a contact point to disposal. In many companies, there is even a bullying officer who deals specifically with incidents of this kind.

Bullying in the workplace: is bullying punishable?

  • There are in Germany though no anti-bullying lawbut a clear one Duty of care of the employer according to § 241 BGB. That means, if your employer does not do anything against bullying, even though he knew about it orIf you have informed him, he can be sued. In addition, the employer has the duty To bully bullies and in extreme cases to terminate.
  • So that you can explain all conflicts credibly later, make records from the beginning and gather evidence to underpin the bullying. Especially in court, it is often the case that due to lack of evidence or verifiable damage procedures are rejected or ended with low comparisons.

You are new to the job and are thinking about a termination in the probationary period? We'll tell you how to cancel properly. In addition, you will get an overview of how an average salary in Germany looks like.

If you would like to discuss conflicts in the professional world with others, check out our ChroniquesDuVasteMonde community.

Videotipp: Cancellation job interview

Workplace Bullying: A Practical Advice ✓ (May 2024).

Bullying, workplace