Breakfast: The 13 best foods for a healthy start to the day


Instead of reaching for the finished muesli, which is usually very sugary, you should put on oatmeal in the morning. Best in combination with fruit and yoghurt. There are a number of reasons for this: On the one hand, oatmeal provides energy thanks to the contained proteins, fibers and vitamins, and on the other hand, oats help maintain skin health. The best thing about this food: It lasts for a long time and regulates the digestion.

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is currently booming in the nutrition market. The reason is obvious: The milk product has a particularly creamy consistency and a pleasantly intense taste. In addition, the yogurt provides plenty of calcium and protein, but is lower in carbohydrates than regular yoghurts. But: In the original contains the Greek yogurt almost ten percent fat, meanwhile conquer also low-fat variants of the German market.


Are you trying to lose weight? Then you should include a grapefruit in your morning meal routine. As experts have found in a study, only half a grapefruit helps to lose weight faster before each meal. The reason for this is the indigestible fiber pectin, which promotes digestion and swells the gastrointestinal tract. Due to this swelling, the saturation sets in faster, so you automatically eat less. Also on the blood sugar and cholesterol levels, the fruit has a positive effect.


Anyone who approves a banana in the morning, for example with oatmeal, prevents food cravings in the morning. The yellow fruit provides the most carbohydrates compared to other fruits and makes you full for a long time. The fiber also ensures that the carbohydrates only slowly into the blood, so that the insulin does not jump too fast. Incidentally, even a single banana delivers one-sixth of the daily magnesium requirement.


Eggs had long been considered unhealthy and were considered colesterin bombs. Fortunately, these times are over, because eggs are better than their reputation. They contain many micronutrients, vitamins, minerals and iodine. The high protein content supports the saturation and thus helps to lose weight. The lecithin also contained in the egg not only protects the liver and colon mucosa, but also improves the ability to concentrate and memory. If that's no reason to grab breakfast egg in the morning.

peanut butter

The reputation of peanut butter is worse than it deserves. Because: Peanut butter is not only delicious, but also helps with fat burning. But why is the peanut cream healthy? That's because of their constituents, including vitamin E, magnesium and proteins. And the unsaturated fatty acids also do good to the cardiovascular system.


A spoonful of flaxseed in your cereal can work wonders? and stimulate digestion. Because the mucilage, which are in the seed shells, act as swelling agents. The greasy oil also exerts a kind of lubricating effect and accelerates the further transport of the intestinal contents. Best of all, studies have shown that flaxseed helps prevent various cancers.


Having coffee in the morning is easy for most people. The popular hot drink that has long been considered unhealthy, however, does not just awaken. It also protects against the onset of colon cancer, prostate cancer, certain brain tumors, and oral and bladder cancer. In addition, he should significantly reduce the risk of developing diabetes type 2. Well, if that's no reason for a breakfast coffee.


You do not drink coffee? No problem. Tea also has a number of health benefits, and unlike coffee, it does not look dehydrating. There is evidence that, for example, regular consumption of green tea could lower the risk of cancer, dementia or cardiovascular disease.


At 70 milligrams per 100 grams, kiwis are considered great vitamin C suppliers. Even a large kiwi of 150 grams thus covers our daily requirement of 100 milligrams of vitamin C. In addition, the exotic fruit has hardly any calories, a minimum fat content and relatively high fiber. For breakfast, kiwis are best tasted pure or as an addition to a smoothie or fruit salad.

orange juice

Especially for a breakfast on Saturday or Sunday morning, a freshly squeezed orange juice just adds. O-Juice is one of the few sources that supplies the sun vitamin D. And this is known to be associated with a lower risk of osteoporosis, depression and certain cancers.

Cranberry juice

Alternatively, you can also grab cranberry juice, because it contains the great power of the little berry. Cranberrys strengthen the immune system, protect against atherosclerosis and stop stomach upset.This is due to the healing properties of phytochemicals, the antioxidants that keep cell neutralizing free radicals at bay. Health benefits: Cranberries contain minerals such as iron, potassium, sodium and many vitamins.

Whole grain bread

Instead of using white flour products, you should always choose the whole grain variety. Because: Wholegrain leaves the blood sugar level rise compared to the white flour variant only slowly? and saturates much longer. Who eats toast or white bread, is probably relatively quickly hungry again, because the blood sugar falls off again after a short time. Well then, bon appetite.

What I Actually Eat In A Day | Doctor Mike (May 2024).

Food, breakfast, food cravings, oatmeal