Boy (9) killed by tree: How can we protect ourselves from the snow?

Heavy snowfalls in recent days have caused a lot of chaos and misfortune, especially in Bavaria. Probably the worst consequence of the snow masses is the death of a nine-year-old boy from Aying, who was killed by a tree. He fell over because he could no longer bear the weight of the snow masses on him. The boy lay under the tree for 40 minutes until he was discovered.

The rescuers could only guess the cause of death: either the boy died because he was suffocated under the snow. Or he died of the severe injuries he sustained from the tree strike.

Dachlawinen, Schneebruchgefahr, black ice

In some Upper Bavarian counties? et al Traunstein and Miesbach? In the meantime disaster has been declared: schools and gymnasiums were closed for fear of threatening roof avalanches.

The train service was partially discontinued and also the forest railway in Lower Bavaria was temporarily closed. Also, numerous flights were canceled at Munich airport, the postal delivery was severely restricted. Smoothness and slippery conditions still prevail on the roads, parts of the A8 motorway and many access roads were blocked due to the risk of snow breakage.

How do you protect yourself in snow chaos?

How to behave properly, in such a snow chaos? Many people are overwhelmed by the weather? After all, it does not happen every year that we get so much snow in Germany.

Who heeds these tips minimizes the risk of accidents for humans and animals:

  • Just keep warm and do not spend too long outdoors: life-threatening hypothermia and frostbite threaten.
  • Avoid Long Car Rides: In a traffic jam on the A8, a woman (54) died alone in her vehicle.
  • Car drive carefully and thoughtfully. If necessary, put on snow chains. Headlights also during the day, carry an emergency box with drink, snack and warm blanket.
  • Avoiding forests and parks: The snow load can cause branches and trees to overthrow and become life-threatening for humans and animals.
  • Avoid staying in old buildings with unstable roofs: the snow that has remained lying down can cause roofs to collapse. Snowy stables and gymnasiums should also be avoided.
  • Urgently avoid places with avalanche danger. A 16-year-old German-Australian ski driver was recently buried in Austria by an avalanche and died. Snowshoe hikers should also choose a safe route or postpone their trip.
  • Remove icicles and snowdrifts from houses, balconies, windows.
  • Dogs with a short coat should wear dog coats when they are below freezing (no joke!) And dry well after the walk. The paws should be creamed with milking grease before the walk (protection against road salt), after the walk the clumped snow should be removed from the fur (eg with warm water). Do not leave dogs out in the cold and snow.
  • The district office set up a citizen telephone, with which employees of the disaster control answer questions: 08651 762 916.

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